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His black hoodie matched with the dark night. People were busy doing whatever, creating a loud noise while doing so. Yoongi's tired eyes kept themselves on the ground, watching the pavement beneath him.

   Automatically his legs carried him away to the alleyway, used to the routine. Sighing as per usual, he opened the wooden door.
"Aye! Agust you came!" His 'friend' smiled, patting his back.
He only returned the greeting with a side smile, scanning the place.
It didn't seem like Wang was around.

  "You looking for Jackson?"
"Hmm? No." He mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes. Some male was rapping, spitting spit since his rapping was not as high as others.

"Argh... What is he doing? My ears.." Yoongi whined, looking at the male trying hard.
Hwan Chul chuckled, shaking his head.
"You gotta start somewhere." Chul smiled, sighing afterwards.
"Yeah and that is at home, where nobody has to listen."
"Thank you!" The whoever male thanked, bowing before stepping off the stage.
"Sooo.... you going up?" Hwan Chul questioned.
"Mmm... Yeah." Yoongi stood up, dragging his hood slightly over his head.
"Thats the spirit!"

  Shaking his head at Chul's comment, Yoongi grabbed the mic.

Silence filled the crowd as they waited for him to begin.

   Breathing in, he moisturized his lips with his toungue before letting out his voice.
Cheers filled the room along with clapping and screams.
He was back with another rap, a song he called Mic Drop.
   The crowd were dancing, or just simply moving their head to his beat.

Too emerged in his own world, the boy did not notice the different eyes looking at him.


   "Bambam.. I'm bored!" Yoonji whined, laying down further on the couch.
"Why are informing me about it?" He chuckled, keeping his gaze at the television.
"Tsk.. No fun." Her body arose from the couch, walking towards the window. It was pretty late already, so the street around here was quiet.

   Yoonji's dark orbs watched the place, noticing the familiar boys walking away.
Suddenly interested, she kept her gaze on them as they seemed to head towards the city.

"Where are they going at this hour?" Her voice mumbled, watching the now empty road.


"Argh why did we go here?" Taehyung complained, tired.

"Well what other thing was there to do at the dorm?" Namjoon sassed back, looking ahead.
"Hey! Hey!" Jungkook suddenly spoke up, feeling excited.

   "What?" Jin seemed to be tired aswell as he kept his ears open for the younger one.

"We can check out the place Yoongi was beat up at! There must be something there..."
"What?" They all said in sync.
"Yeah? What else do can we do? Let's go!" Jungkook started walked ahead of the questionmarks, his legs taking long strides.
"He's crazy..." Jimin mumbled, but followed along.


"Hmm.. It's nothing here." Jin stated as they looked around the place.
"You sure this was the right way?" Jimin questioned, eyeing the alley.

   "Yeah." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, confused.
Yoongi was indeed beat up here by that guy.
But the only thing that could be seen was the rock walls along with one wooden wall.

  "Weird.." the boy muttered, shaking his head.
"Hey! Boys!" Taehyung suddenly yelled, making them turn their heads towards him.


"I think I found something."

Min Yoonji (book 1)➻m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now