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"You really dared show up here kid?" His voice snapped.

Yoongi only shrugged his shoulders, unamused by his behavior.
"Tsk, follow me outside." Jackson grumbled as he walked out from the building.

"So what you want?" Yoongi sighed, stuffing his hands into his pocket.

"I want you to stop coming here. This is not a place for little kids!" Wang yelled, stepping closer to his face.
"Last time I checked I'm not boy." He tiredly replied.

"Thats it!" Jackson pushed the boy hard, making him stumble.

Yoongi still didn't bother doing anything so he just stood straight again.
"You really want to test me huh!?" Again, the stronger one pushed Yoongi, this time making him fall.

His temper dropped as he shot up again and threw a punch on the other males jaw.

"You little-"

Jackson soon punched him back, making Yoongi's face bruise up.
Soon the crowd had gathered outside to watch the fight.
Both of them threw punches at each other, damaging their skins.

Jackson was obviously stronger, so Yoongi had no chance anymore seeing as he got weaker.
But that didn't stop the other one as he fought like there was no tomorrow.



The boys walked the same alleyway as Yoongi did earlier.
"Shh! Listen!" Seokjin shushed them, listening to the low grunts and cheering.

They hurriedly walked around the corner, only to be met by Yoongi on the ground with blood on him.

"YAH! STOP!" Hoseok yelled scared.

Soon the dude on top of him let go and walked inside again along with the crowd.

They ran over, picking the poor boy up.
"You ok?" Namjoon questioned as he scanned him.
"Don't worry." Yoongi mumbled coldly. Why were they even here?

"Let's get you to the hospital."

"N-no!" Yoongi snapped, ripping himself away.
"Why?! You are hurt!" Taehyung yelled back.
"I'm not going there. I'm fine." Yoongi turned around, whincing in pain. Dang Jackson hit hard.
"Ok, ok.. Let us take you to our dorm so we can patch you up then." They suggested, making Yoongi sigh.


He let out a whince as Jin dabbed some alcohol on his wounds.
"Almost done.." Seokjin mumbled as he was mostly focused on treating the male.
   "There." His lips smiled satisfied as Jin finished up the bandaids.

"Mmm... Thanks." Yoongi awkwardlylet out as he looked around just as awkward.
"Well I'll take my leave now." The boy headed towards the exit.

"Wait!" Jimin suddenly spoke up.

"Just so you know Yoongi, we are still not forgiving you. You and your sister are still dead to us. We only helped because thats what normal humans would do, so don't think about it." Jimin let his cold words hit him.

   "I know." And just like that Yoongi was out from the room.

"I know it too well.." he sighed hurt as he kept his head low and headed home.


"Today was so much fun!" Bambam cheered as he sipped on his drink.
"Yeah it was!" Yoonji laughed, looking around in awe.
  The weather was perfect, gloomy but warm, along with a cold breeze flowing once in a while.
"Tsk, you said we were only going to look around campus. And look, we walked around the whole city fo hours!" Yoonji commented as they got closer to their dorm.

"What? I can't recall that.." he mumbled sheeplesly.
"Mhm? Look at your two full bags of clothes and shoes!" The girl laughed as the male beside her got flustered.
   "Shh! Whatever!" He hushed her as Bambam rolled his eyes.

"Oh look, that boy looks like you!" Bambam suddenly spoke up serious.
  "What? Who?" Yoongi looked around.
"Him! Wah, that is sick! Your long lost twin Yoonji!" He said loudly and over excited.

Her dark orbs followed his slim finger, only to be met by an all too familiar bruised face.


Min Yoonji (book 1)➻m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now