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Yoonji sighed as she watched the ceiling.
"What to do...." she mumbled, stuffing her face in her fluffy pillows.

  Some how her life got more boring without her annoying brother.
"Oh yeah!" The thought of her brother made the girl remember that he still had to tell her what happened earlier.

Yoongi's slim frame quickly shot up, grabbing a washed-red color hoodie and a black beanie which was actually Yoongi's.
"Oh, you going somewhere?" Bambam questioned from the couch, looking away from his phone.
   "Hm? Oh yeah.. I'm visiting my brother for a while." Her lips formed into a smile before putting on her oversized black jacket.
"Alright then, see you later." He chuckled before continuing whatever.

  "See you." Yoonji opened the door after she had put on her shoes and headed down the stairs.
There weren't many students around at this time, seeing as everyone were probably eating dinner.
Yoonji stopped and fished up her phone before informing her room-mate to make his own dinner.

   Her legs began walking towards the long missed home of hers.

"He better tell me whats going on.." she mumbled to herself as her phone started playing some tunes in her earplugs.


"Yoongi! Idiot? Any body home?" Yoonji's voice yelled through the house as she kicked off her shoes and looked around.
No one.

  "Yoongi?!" She yelled again, heading towards his room.

Her small hand twisted the door knob before entering.
As per usual, his room was pretty neat.
"Yoongi?" Her dark orbs wandered around, stopping on a lump laying on the bed.

  Yoonji couldn't help but roll her eyes and smile as she walked towards the bed. Her hand shook him awake, earning a deadly glare.
"Yah! Wake up sleepy head."

"Fish off! I need my sleep." He huffed, not even opening his eyes.
"Fish off? And you aren't a bear, get up!" Yoonji mocked, dragging his body towards the end of the bed.
"One.... Two..."

"Don't you da-"
And just like that Yoongi's body landet with a thump on the ground.
A groan left his lips as the pain spread through his body.

   "I swear I'll kill you!" He suddenly yelled, making Yoonji run.
His slim legs sprinted after her, forgetting about his long wanted sleep. A shriek left her pink lips as Yoongi were closing up.

"Alright, alright! Stop now, I'm too tired for this.." Yoongi mumbled as he flopped himself down on the worn out couch.
The girl smiled in victory as she made her way towards the boy.
Yoonji bended her knees, ready to sit down, but was soon interrupted as Yoongi kicked her down on the floor.
"Ouch!" She mumbled, rubbing her sore bottom.
"Karma." He winked, closing his eyes, most likely resting.

"Yoongi. Tell me what happened earlier.." Her figure sat down beside him, still pained by the impact of his foot and the floor.
"Ugh... It's nothing." Yoongi didn't even bother to open his eyes, as he sighed.
"Please? I know something happened.."

  "Let's forget it?" He opened his eyes, staring at the white ceiling.
"Aww.. Just tell me idiot!" Yoonji had gotten har low temper from her brother.
The male only gave her a bored stare, keeping his mouth shut.
Yoongi kept on going like that for some minutes, not feeling awkward at all. Yoonji on the other end, wanted to sink down under the ground.
"Stop it already! Just tell me!" She slapped his slim arm, making him look another way.

"Alright... Do you want me to tell you?" He questioned, sighing yet again.
"What have I been asking all this time dumb man?!" Yoonji sighed along.

"Alright... But you have to help me... It's serious." Yoongi placed his hands over his face, feeling help less.
"Yeah yeah.. Just tell me, I'll help you."
"Right now?"

"Okay... Here goes nothing...

Am hungry. Now make some food."
He smiled sheeplily, chuckling as the girl started fuming.

Min Yoonji (book 1)➻m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now