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stagger shock

The clock struck half four and the boys were already outside the siblings house.

"Everybody remember what they have to do? She should be just about home now, since school ended a half hour ago..." Namjoon whispered, crouching down behind some bushes in their garden.

"Yes, simple. Just don't get caught." Jimin stated, remembering that the simple thing they had to do, was to indeed to not get caught. Or else who knows what will happen...

"Ok, start looking for anything unusual." Namjoon commented, talking like he was a leader of a spy group.
"Yes sir." Jin joked, doing a salute pose before crawling towards the white house. The cozy house had a lot of windows, making their job easier.

"Hmm... Where are you Yoonji-ah?" Hoseok whispered, climbing carefully up the roof. He managed to get to a window with purple curtains, assuming it was Yoonji's room.

There she was, laying with her phone on her bed.

But how did she manage to change so quickly? She should just have gotten home by now..

A body came into his side view, making him turn his head.

Jimin smiled before going to the room with black curtains after nodding at Hoseok.
Luckily the curtains were a little open, allowing him to at least peak inside.

The door opened, revealing Yoonji still in her uniform.

"Bingo." he whispered, looking carefully inside. Since it was still daylight, there was a chance of her seeing his presence in the window.

"Ugh.. Finally I can take this crap off." He could hear Yoonji mumble from inside, but it was rather difficult understanding it due to the glass in between the two.

Jimin's eyes grew wide as he saw the girl slipping off her black leggings, still keeping the skirt on. Not knowing if he should look away or not, he kept his eyes on her, telling himself he would look away if anything too extreme happened. He wasn't a pervert.

The boy looked around the room, noticing it's boyish vibe. Wait. Wasn't this Yoongi's room? He now noticed Yoonji unbuttoning her shirt, making him look away. This was too much. Without knowing, he peeked again, but shock spread through his eyes.

Why did she have a male upper body?

"What the..." he mumbled, looking closer as the girl remover her hair.

"Yoongi?" he said to himself, only to make the other presence snap it's head up.

"Jimin?" Yoongi commented, feeling just as shocked as the other boy.

Realizing his mistake, Jimin tried to run off, but Yoongi had already opened the window.

His cold hand roughly gripped the other boy's upper arm, dragging him inside.

"What the actual heck are you doing here? Spying on me undressing?!" He raged, feeling over the top angry.

"S-sorry... We just wanted to find out why you're acting so weird..." Jimin answered with a small voice, truly scared. This boy they thought was Yoonji all the time, was a psycho.

Yoongi groaned, frustrated on how they now would know everything.

"Where are the other idiots?" he lowly muttered, ruffling his hair.
"Outside, spying.."
"Don't you dare tell them anything." the elder one threatened, pointing his finger at the younger one.

"You don't understand... I have to do this..." he muttered, getting less angry.

"Why?" Jimin asked curiously, slightly uncomfortable that the man yet had not taken on any shirt.
"Just because. Now if you tell them, I'll kill you first." he snapped, getting a shirt from his drawers. "Understood?"

"Y-yeah..." Jimin whispered, climbing out again.


"Did you guys see anything odd?" Namjoon questioned, brushing off some dirt.




All the boys answered, except Jimin who kept looking at the ground.

"What about you Jimin? You seem off.." Jin questioned, looking at the boy.

"Nothing here..." He mumbled, looking back at the white house.

Maybe he should just tell them? Yoongi weren't serious, was he?

Min Yoonji (book 1)➻m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now