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Yoongi and his sister Yoonji had gotten along better these past days, hanging out way more often.

"Watcha' want to eat?" Asked the boy as he looked inside the fridge. "Hmm... It's whatever, just make something that will not kill me." Joked his sister as she flopped herself down on the couch. "Tsk." Scoffed Yoongi as he got some items out.

"Don't you have school?" Asked Yoonji all of a sudden as she checked the day on the phone, Monday.

"It's Monday today Yoongi..." mumbled Yoonji, looking over at the boy who only stood still. Was he even breathing? He cussed under his breath before running to his room to get changed. His little sister laughed as she got up to make him something to eat.

"Crap, how could I even forget? Ugh and now I'm three hours late too." Yoongi hissed as he slung the backpack over his shoulders.
"Your fault." Laughed Yoonji as she watched her brothers angry expression.
"Here, eat it while you walk to school Yoonji." Teased the real Yoonji as she gave him some food.


Yoongi panted hard as he reached the school. In reality he had only walked his normal speed, but he was still tired.

"Eyy! Yoonji!" Jin walked over, hands in his pockets.
"What?" Snapped the elder one, as he walked inside.

"You're late?"
"Well no shit sherlock" cussed Yoongi as he walked towards his locker.
"Wow, still the snappy attitude." Laughed the other presence as he tagged along.
"And still the annoying questions." Fired Yoongi back as he chuckled.

Wait what?

He looked to Jin in horror, scared of what he let out.
Ugh, now the boy will think of him as nice.
"You just... chuckled.. a-at me?" Stuttered Jin dramatically.

"Whatever." Yoongi tried walking away, but he kept following.

"You're finally opening up!" Squealed the lighter haired boy excitedly.
"No, get lost."


"Guys! Guys! Try guess what Yoonji did to me." Jin squealed, catching the other boys attention.
"What? Like she would do anything to you." Snapped Jungkook jealous.
"She actually did. Just to me. Not you."

"So what did she do?" Jimin questioned, weirded out by the boy.
"She.... wait for it... Drumroll.... CHUCKLED AT ME!!" Yelled Jin, almost making the school collapse.

The boys went silent, some envying the boy, and others annoyed.

"Bye." Mumbled Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin as they left the over excited boy.
Namjoon and Hoseok stood still, not knowing what to say nor what to do.

"Uhh... You'll.... Uh.. Keep being happy about this Jin." Smiled Namjoon awkwardly as he patted the boys shoulder and left. Hoseok only gave him a smile along with a nod before running after Namjoon.

   "Tsk... How rude." Scoffed Jin as he flipped his invisible hair, loving the extraness.


Yoongi entered his cozy little home, slipping his shoes off.
"Here is the test result Yoonji!" His voice roared through the house as per usual. Soon after footsteps could be heard running closer.

"Really?!" Yoonji snapped the paper out of his hands, looking at it.

"Wow, only a 4? You should have gotten the highest score, 6!" She seemed a bit upset, but then again, she would have gotten an even lower score.
"Be appreciated!" Snapped Yoongi as he felt angry.
"Sorry, you did great thanks!" Smiled the girl sheeplily.

"And either way, it was math.. so a person is basically doomed to get a bad grade." Grumbled Yoongi as he walked towards the couch.
"Oh, and when do you plan telling the boys?" Yoongi's question made Yoonji quiet. When was she planning on telling them? Telling them the truth now would only be a hassle, seeing as they would probably spread the news.

"I'm unsure, maybe after the school is done? I don't want people to get a hold of the story." Yoonji sighed.

"I understand. Yeah, it's probably best to tell them later on." Smiled her brother as they watched the screen.

Min Yoonji (book 1)➻m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now