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The weekend was over, making Yoongi sigh while pulling the school uniform on.

How much longer would he be doing this?

He couldn't ask his sister now either, because she was still furious after Saturday.

As he stepped a foot out of his black-themed room, Yoonji opened her door.

"Well, well, well. You may have gotten me this weekend, but in the end it's me laughing." She smirked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Psht, how?" Yoongi scoffed, crossing his slender arms.

"Well, because of your brilliant plan here on Saturday, the boys thinks you and them are friends now... So it only means that they will be even more bothersome. Jokes on you genious Min Yoongi." the other body laughed, slamming the door shut.

Realizing his mistake, the boy cursed under his breath, heading out of the door. Yoongi headed down towards the sidewalk.

"How could I be so stupid?!" He whined to no one.

"What? You? Stupid? Never heard of that." A voice said sarcastically.

The boy whipped his head towards the other presence beside him. Jeon freaking Jungkook.

"Get lost."

"Or what? You going to beat my 'sorry ass'?" he mimicked from the first time they walked together. "Yes indeed." the other one answered truly.

"Tsk.. You are a tough one Yoonji-ah" Jungkook smiled, still not moving.

Suddenly he started laughing, making the other boy confused.

"Haha, I just remembered that time you went psycho and sounded like a man." he chuckled, looking over at the girl.

"What is weird about that?" the masked boy asked.

"Well, you are a girl right?" he questioned with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Sure." Yoongi mumbled, walking inside the door of the school.

"I was thinking that maybe we could you'know... Go on a dat-" the younger one's words got muffled as Yoongi held a hand against his mouth.

"How about no?" And again he headed towards class, having a trailing Jungkook behind him.

"Why not? Am I too good looking for you?" he said arrogantly, smirking his signature smirk. "Yes, you're too ugly looking, that's correct." The other boy commented, entering the classroom. "Hey that's not even what I sai-"

Yoongi pressed the boy up against the wall, grabbing his collar.

"I thought I had already warned you ten thousand times before? You never learn? Tsk." Yoongi spat in the boy's face, getting even angrier.

"Yah Yoonji-ah, calm d-down.." Jungkook stuttered, feeling himself getting scared.

"No, I've had it with you guys! You idiots can all fall off a clip for all I care! Just piss off!" he yelled in his normal voice.

He harshly let go of the body's shirt, walking calmly to his seat.

"Now, go and tell it to your stupid friends!" the boy growled.

"Y-yes!" Jungkook practically ran out of the classroom. He looked down to check if he had peed on himself, but luckily not.

"Guys! Don't go near Yoonji! She's a psycho!" the younger one yelled at his friends who were heading his direction.
"Psht, what are you talking about? She? A girl? Psycho?" Jin laughed, continuing towards the classroom.

"Wait, guys.. I think Jungkook here is right.. One time she brought a gun, threatening me with it.. No joke." Jimin commented, making them all stop.

"What? Little Yoonji-ah? No it doesn't sound right.. Well she's not that little, but you guys get it.." Namjoon questioned, rubbing his nape.
"Yeah hyung you're right, she's like same height as Jimin!" Taehyung chuckled, looking at the classroom door.

"But guys... I think there is something up with our little Yoonji.. First she's sick for weeks, and when she returns she sometimes act and sound like a man.. Haven't you noticed?" Jungkook looked at his elder friends, with hands in his pocket, still keeping his cool image. "I thought I was the only one noticing that!" Hoseok squealed, looking at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"Do you guy's think what I'm thinking?" Jungkook heaved an eyebrow.

"We are exactly thinking what you are thinking." they all said in sync, looking at one another.

Min Yoonji (book 1)➻m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now