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31. Allah is Al-Khabeer The Aware

How could it be that He who has created all should not know all?
Yea, He alone is unfathomable in His wisdom, all-aware!
Al-Mulk 67:14


1. As Muslim women, we have been liberated from this silent bondage. We don't need society's standard of beauty or fashion, to define our worth. We don't need to become just like men to be honored, and we don't need to wait for a prince to save or complete us. Our worth, our honor, our salvation, and our completion lie not in the slave. But, in the Lord of the slave.

2. My value as a woman is not measured by the size of my waist or the number of men who like me. My worth as a human being is measured on a higher scale: a scale of righteousness and piety. And my purpose in life-despite what fashion magazines say-is something more sublime than just looking good for men.

3. [A Letter to the Culture that Raised Me] I'm not here to be on display. And my body is not for public consumption. I will not be reduced to an object, or a pair of legs to sell shoes. I'm a soul, a mind, a servant of God. My worth is defined by the beauty of my soul, my heart, my moral character. So I won't worship your beauty standards, and I don't submit to your fashion sense. My submission is to something higher.

4. In Islam a women is considered a homemaker. She is not considered a housewife, because she is not married to the house.

5. Women in Mali are being tortured and in Syria they are being raped. In Iraq women are being jailed for no reason, in Somalia women are dieing of hunger. But western society cares only about the women that can't drive in Saudi Arabia.

6. Dear Allah,

Today, is my chance to get better. It all makes sense now.

I've been going through hardest trials, the sincere repentance of my sins & mistakes in life and expecting ( SO MUCH) from people. But they never meet my expectations.They do try their best, but always failing to, why? because the value of God comes before the value of men. I need to develop my understanding to comprehend that what God wants, will take place, not the hopes that I've been breeding. Trusting God, means getting to know yourself much better. It helps one to accept the facts of life easily. I should also set a limit in building my relationship with a person not by letting myself digging deeper.

7. Modesty, in dress and behavior, is just as important for men as it is for women.

8. Modesty is the crown of a Muslimah.

Hijab forces a man to look at a women with respect rather than as an object.

9. Did Allah create your face? YES

Does Allah make mistakes? NO


10. The women are not a garment you wear and undress however you like. They are honoured and have their rights.

11. It's not the cloth that oppress women. Its the illiterate mind.

12. Let the beauty of your soul--not your body--define you.

13. Life is not about avoiding pain. It is how you handle pain when it crosses your path.

14. Hijab has been made obligatory on us by Allah subhaanahu wata'ala.

My hijab is my pride.

15. She is ridiculed by prejudice. Mocked by displayed beauty. Taunted by the devil. It shatters her patience. Lowers her self esteem. But only for a split of a second, because she remains veiled, its strange.

Sister, O daughters of Islam, become modest!

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