Walls (Minijzl)

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•Pairing: Miniminter & Tbjzl (Simon and Tobi)
Prompt: Simon has been in the hospital all his life, what happens when Tobi steps in and shows him things he's never experienced?
•Warings: none
No one really realises what truly goes on behind the walls of the hospital, unless they take a second to really look.

Most people just see sick people lying in beds, hooked up to machines, or lifeless bodies on life support just waiting for their deadline to arrive.

But not when you've been here this long, I know everyone's backstory, and everyone knows mine.

My name is Simon Minter, I'm eighteen years old, and I've basically lived in this hospital my whole life.

I don't really understand what I have, all I know is that I've never really been outside of this hospital and seen the real world.

Every year, the nurses and doctors come in to celebrate my birthday, but no family. Do I even have a family?

Even though I don't ever see my true family, all of the people in the hospital are my family, they are always there for me no matter what.

"Simon! In here!" I perk up at the familiar voice of Autumn speaking to me from her room, smiling at me.

"Look!" She says and smiles widely, bending one of her fingers just the slightest bit.

I gasp and lean forward to hug her tightly, even though she can't feel it, she accepts it anyway and rests her head on my shoulder.

She was in a bad car accident at the age of eight and has been paralysed ever since from the neck down, she's only twelve, but she gets better every day, so the tiny move of a finger is huge.

"I'm so happy for you! You'll be up and dancing before you know it!" I say and pick up her hand, giving her a high five.

"I'll invite you to all my shows!" She says and laughs before taking her focus back to the tiny movement in her finger.

I smile happily and walk out of her room, nodding at one of the nurses as I head back to my own.

"Don't even think about not saying hi to your best friend!" I roll my eyes as I hear the annoying voice of the boy in the room next to me.

"We are not best friends." I mumble and lean in his doorway, watching him laugh at my appearance.

The nurses hadn't brought me fresh clothes yet so I was stuck with just jogging bottoms and a hospital gown, usually I have normal clothes to wear.

"Shut up freezy, at least I'm not bed bound." I huff out and cross my arms, frowning at him.

"Will you stop calling me that, I don't have hypothermia anymore, they're just keeping me for extra tests now." He says and rolls his eyes at me.

"What do you want from me?" I ask in an annoyed tone, still debating whether or not to move rooms just because of his annoying ass.

"I just wanted to say hi." He mocks and smirks, winking at me before looking back at his tv.

"Fuck off Callum." I groan and walk into my room that's next to his, shutting the door to block out his annoying voice.

I sit down on the very worn out hospital bed I've had since I was six, I still remember the day I got here, but everything after that is just a blur.

"Simon?" A soothing voice speaks to me softly, opening up the door to my room.

I lift my head and see the oldest nurse here, and the one that's been with me the longest, Sandy, standing in my doorway.

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