Falling (Minifreezy)

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•Pairing: Miniminter & Calfreezy (Simon and Cal)
•Prompt: Simon didn't realise he was falling for Cal until it was too late.
•Warnings: None
"Jeez, stare at the picture of Justin Bieber any longer you'll get a semi." I shove Cal away from me as he says that, giving him the middle finger as he starts to laugh.

"Hey, he has a great sense of style! Besides, I don't swing that way." I scoff and shut my phone off, tossing it on the sofa beside me.

"Oh you don't? So it wouldn't bother you if I did this?" He asks and rests his hand on my knee, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nope- do anything you want, I'm not cracking." I cross my arms and smirk at him, waiting for him to do something else.

He leans in and kisses at my neck- I freeze in surprise and feel my face flush at the contact, my eyes darting to his hand that keeps moving up my leg.

"You sure you're not into this?" I say, hiding my shaky voice and covering it up with smugness as I bite my lip.

"Nah, but judging by the affect I seem to have on you- you are." He mumbles and smirks as he pulls away, laughing slightly at my flustered state and looking back at the movie we had previously put on.

I frown as he stops touching me before catching myself- why do I miss his hands on me?

I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on them as I look at him discreetly, letting my eyes run over his jawline- landing on his plump pink lips.

Fuck- I wonder how those would feel against mine- wait, what?

"Shit." I mumble and facepalm- sighing out frustratedly, catching his attention.

"Something wrong, Simon?" The smugness is clear in his voice as he talks to me, smirking and laughing quietly at me.

"You wanted to see if you had an effect on me- well now it's my turn to see if I have an effect on you." I say and move so I'm straddling him- blushing at the position we're in before leaning forward and kissing him softly.

He's taken aback at first, but eventually he kisses me back and let's his hands rest on my waist- pulling me closer to him.

I let a small moan escape me as I accidentally grind into him- pulling away from the kiss and resting my hands on my cheeks to hide my blushing.

He moves his hand up to hold my face lightly before attaching our lips once more- his other hand reaching behind me to rest on my bum.

"So you are into it." I smirk when he pulls away and kisses down my neck- moaning softly as he bites down at a sweet spot, sucking to leave a mark.

"Don't act like you aren't too." He mumbles and runs his hand up my shirt- I lean into his touch and moan quietly, running a hand through his hair and tugging lightly.

"Boys! We're home!" I jump at the sound of my dad's loud voice, rushing to get off Cal's lap but just ending up falling on the floor.

Cal goes to help me but stops once my dad walks in- instead laughing at me like a best friend would do after seeing the other fall.

I frown and feel my heart drop as he goes back to acting like normal- talking about the most recent football game with my dad and completely ignoring me.

I stand up and brush myself off, excusing myself and going upstairs to my room, shutting the door quietly behind me and sitting down on my bed.

Holy shit- I just kissed my best friend, and liked it?

There's no way I actually liked it, it had to be a spur of the moment thing... right?

"Fuck my life." I sigh out and flop back onto my bed, my heart still beating a million times a minute.

I hear muffled voices before my door is swung open, Cal walking in and shutting it behind him.

"I'm not gay." I say abruptly, crossing my arms as I look at him, trying to ignore the pain in my heart as I say those words.

"You're not?" He says smugly, mimicking my movements and crossing his arms as he leans back against my door- smirking at me.

"I'm not." I say- almost reassuring myself- yet it doesn't feel right to say.

"Okay, well I'm gonna get going, I'll ring you tomorrow." He says- a slight hint of disappointment in his voice as he leaves the room.

I sigh out and let my eyes drop shut- my mind running over the events that happened in the past hour.

But, it's made me realise something- the little spark I always felt when our hands brushed together, the way my heart flutters when he looks at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"Fuck!" I yell and throw my pillow across the room, crying out in frustration and tugging at my hair harshly.

I'm in love with my best friend.
I pace back and forth in my room- the time is four in the morning, and I can't sleep.

The places Cal had touched still spark with electricity as I think about him.

I go over everything in my head for the millionth time- biting at my nails as I look over at my phone, desperate to see some sort of message from him.

He's your best friend, you've known him since you were kids, you can't be in love with him.

"Damn it!" I curse and shove my face in my hands- pausing for a second before quickly going to my wardrobe and grabbing a hoodie.

I quickly tug it over my head before quietly making my way out of my room and downstairs.

The wind is cold and harsh when I walk outside, rain starting to fall from the night sky.

I pull my hood on and start walking- one destination in my mind.

Luckily Cal doesn't live too far away from me, I'm already soaking wet and I haven't even been walking for five minutes.

As soon as I get to his house I knock frantically on the door- not stopping until he answers, shirtless and still half asleep.

"Simon?-" "You listen here dickhead!" I cut him off and poke him harshly in the chest to wake him up more.

"You don't get to do this! You don't get to play your little 'I'm not gay' game with me and then act like nothing has happened!" I hiss- keeping my voice quiet to not wake up the neighbours.

"But-" "And I thought I wasn't gay! I had my whole life figured out, I was gonna go to uni, find a beautiful girl to marry, and live happily ever after like a fucking fairy tale!" He finally wakes up fully and smirks as I talk to him- crossing his arms over his bare chest.

"And then you happened. With your stupid fucking blue eyes, and blonde hair, and your body-" I cut myself off and sigh, realising I'm still standing in the rain and running a hand through my soaked hair.

"Is that all?" He asks, smugness clear in his voice as he looks at me- biting his lip as I see a flash of something I can't recognise in his eyes.

"I love you." I say over the sound of the rain coming down, water dripping down my face and my clothes soaked.

He steps into the rain with me and reaches forward to hold my face in one hand- slowly leaning forward and kissing me.

I kiss back slowly and wrap my arms around his neck- pulling him closer and ignoring the freezing cold water soaking both of us, all my attention focused on him.

"I love you too Simon." He says once we pull away, his forehead resting against mine as I smile and kiss him again- my heart beating out of my chest.

"Can we get out of the rain though? I mean its romantic and all- but I'm kinda not into getting hypothermia." I giggle as he speaks and let him pull me inside to the warm house before embracing him in a hug.

"I always knew you'd end up falling for me." He says smugly and I shove him, blushing and tugging my soaking wet hoodie over my head- chucking it at him.

"Guess you were right then- I wasn't just looking at that picture of Justin Bieber for his style."
HEY HEY ANOTHER FLUFFY ONESHOT don't ask why I've been writing super fluffy things lately I JUST NEED IT IN MY LIFE YOU KNOW? I hope you guys liked this ^-^

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