Voices (KSImon)

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Pairing: KSI & Miniminter (JJ and Simon)
•Prompt: Simon is the voice JJ can't shake out of his head.
•Warnings: Angst, triggers (I won't put warnings), slight smut
It was no one's fault but mine. No one put him in my head, it was me who conjured up a friend because I had none. But now he won't go away.

I walk through the halls of my school, he walks next to me. I can feel him, every piece of him, I can even feel our hands brushing together.

When I get to class he stands in the corner silently, watching me with curiosity at my every move.

Every piece of me knows he isn't real, but I still think he's there. He is here with me somehow, yet not.

When I sit alone at lunch he sits across from me, eating his own food, even talking to me.

I never talk back however, at least not at school. I can't deny I have had a few long conversations with him when I was alone

He goes by the name Simon, it's weird because when I made him up, I never gave him a name, he just introduced himself like that one day.

When I walk home he walks next to me yet again, but holds my hand. I swear I can feel it, but he's not there.

"Why aren't you holding mine?" A voice rings through my head and I look to the boy next to me, to see him looking at our hands.

"You're not real." I say and pull my hand away, watching him fade into thin air.

"I'm as real as any one of your friends." I look up to see him in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Will you just get out of my head!" I say and walk straight through him, my heart paining that I have to hurt someone who isn't even real.

The whole walk home he still stays with me. He's always there, no matter what I do or say.

I could get medication to make him go away, but I feel like a part of me would be lost without him there constantly.

When I get home I immediately open my laptop and go on twitter, finding a lot more notifications than usual.

My whole feed is filled with mentions, I click on one and my heart immediately falls.

Everybody know that @ KSIOlajidebt is a faggot

Hey @ KSIOlajidebt how's being by yourself at lunch every day?

@ KSIOlajidebt no one likes you, you might as well kill yourself

I read through all the tweets, I never get this much hate, not even from kids at my school.

You might as well kill yourself. The words ring through my head like white noise.

"Don't." Simon appears in front of my monitor, blocking the string of awful messages.

"Why not? You're not real anyway." I say and get up, walking down the hall to the bathroom my brother and I share.

No one was home at the moment, which made it that much easier.

I take out the razor blade I hadn't used in months, it's clean and sharp just like I remembered it to be.

I press it down on a clean empty spot on my lower arm, dragging it across in a line until blood starts oozing out.

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