Midnight Sun (KSImon) Pt. 3 (Final)

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•Pairing: KSI & Miniminter (JJ and Simon)
•Prompt: Based off the movie 'Midnight Sun', with my own little twists to it.
•Warnings: Spoilers for what actually happens in the movie.
•3rd person POV
"Wait- Simon! We don't even have swimsuits!" JJ yells after Simon as he runs through the sand to the shore of the water.

"So what?" Simon yells back and smirks as he takes his flannel off- tugging his shirt over his head.

"You're crazy." JJ laughs and shakes his head- watching Simon take off his shoes and socks, his joggers following, leaving him in only his boxers.

"Come on! Or are you too pussy?" Simon teases before running into the water- getting up to his knees before JJ gives in, taking everything off except his boxers.

JJ gasps at the cold water and almost walks back out before Simon pulls him in- tackling him down.

They both go underwater for a second before coming up for a breath- giggles leaving Simon as JJ gasps for air.

"You almost drowned me!" JJ jokes and Simon smiles, running a hand through JJ's now soaking hair.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." Simon laughs and pulls JJ closer to him- their lips attaching in a messy kiss.

JJ's hands move underwater to rest on Simon's waist- the smaller boy shivering at the contact.

Soon enough they pull away- starting to get cold as they both get out of the water, pulling their clothes back on.
"We should've brought towels." Simon giggles- both of them having gotten their clothes wet because of not drying off.

"Hey- it was your idea!" JJ pulls Simon to his chest- both of them being sat on the sand, far back from the shore.

"Now I'm tired." Simon giggles and leans all of his weight against JJ, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Well- get ready to see the greatest sunrise in all of the UK." JJ giggles and Simon sits up suddenly, immediate fear filling him.

"Wait, what?" The blonde asks, it was still late- morning was a while away... right?

"JJ, what time is it?" Simon rushes out and looks at his watch- the time still stuck at when he last saw it... before they had gone into the water.

His watch wasn't waterproof.

"About four in the morning, why?" JJ responds, confused why Simon is panicking.

And the sun was about to rise.

"Fuck- I have to go, right now!" Simon jumps up and immediately starts running- looking over the horizon and seeing tiny orange rays peeking up.

"What? Simon! What's happening?" JJ runs after him- the blonde not stopping his movements.

JJ makes a detour and runs to his car instead, getting in and starting it quickly- stepping on the pedal to try and catch up with Simon.

Tears stream down Simon's cheeks as he runs- his legs aching and begging for him to take a break, but he can't.

His house was close- but not close enough.

He's not going to make it in time.

"Simon! At least let me drive you!" JJ yells as he drives up next to the boy, Simon looking over his shoulder to see the sun rising slowly.

Quickly JJ stops and Simon gets in his car- looking behind them through the back window, the sun rising more with each second.

"Go! Now!" Simon yells and JJ steps on the pedal- going way over the speed limit as he drives to the house.

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