Talent (Minishaw)

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•Pairing: Miniminter and Wroetoshaw (Simon & Harry)
•Prompt: Simon and Harry get paired to do a number together, Harry goes over his house to practice.
•Warnings: None
"No, you need to change the tone, like this." I cover my ears as Jessie sings the chorus of the song way out of tune, rolling my eyes at her.

"You're so wrong, I told you, it's like this." My voice radiates throughout the whole room as I sing the chorus completely right, everyone else going silent.

"Wow Simon, thanks for making everyone feel so great about their singing voices." JJ says, making me blush a deep crimson and smile widely.

"Alright everyone, in your seats." Mrs. Dream our music teacher walks in, everyone immediately sitting down and paying attention to her.

She's the only teacher I really respect here, all the others come to school grouchy and mean, but Mrs. Dream is always happy and upbeat about her teaching.

"The lead in our new song will be sung by Simon Minter. But here's the twist," she pauses for dramatic effect, no wonder she's also the theatre teacher. "It's a duet."

"So, who's up to sing with Simon?" She clasps her hands in front of her and looks around, everyone raising their hand except one.

"Harry, you'll be doing the duet with Simon." She points to the shy boy in the corner that almost never participates, his face flushing furiously.

"W-what?" His voice quivers and I smirk at how adorable it sounds, I've always had a soft spot for him, though I've never heard him sing, I bet he sounds like an angel.

"This is your big chance Haz! I've heard your voice, you two would be marvellous together." She says and claps her hands together, the bracelets on her wrists clinking together.

He just sighs and pulls his hood over his head, his hands going into his hoodie pockets as he tries to look as small as possible.

I feel bad for him, I know he's extremely shy, but maybe if I can teach him a little confidence we'll be the marvellous duo Mrs. Dream has always wanted.

After class Harry was the last one to leave so I pulled him aside, bringing him into an empty classroom.

I shut the door and lean against it, a smirk on my face at his flushed and embarrassed one.

"Come over tonight, we'll practice." I say and smile, him nodding quickly and blushing like mad.

I give him a time and my address, taking his phone and putting my number in before giving it back to him and clasping my hands together happily.

A smirk spreads across my lips in accomplishment as I quickly exit the room, a skip in my step out of excitement for tonight.
"Simon! We're going out, no partying!" My mum yells upstairs making my heart jump in excitement at the fact I'm going to be alone with Harry all night.

"Okay mum!" I yell back and hear the sound of a door slam shut and a few seconds later a car starting and driving away.

I sigh out in relief and stand up, walking over to my wardrobe to change into something more... comfortable.

My fingers drag along the many articles of clothing before my eyes land on the back corner of my closet, the place I hide different types of clothes that no one knows I wear in my free time.

I reach in and grab the big cardboard box, smiling at the label on it.


A smile spreads across my face when I open it, pastel pieces of clothing laying neatly folded inside.

I reach in and pull out a high waist pink shirt, placing it beside me and grabbing a pink cropped sweater to go with it.

It takes a bit of inner debate but I eventually decide to match the outfit with thigh high pink socks and a pink choker.

When I get everything on I step in front of my long mirror, smiling and turning around, looking at myself from all angles.

My heart speeds up when I hear the doorbell ring throughout the house, my feet moving fast as I run downstairs and open the door.

"H-hi." Harry whispers, his cheeks red from the cold weather.

"Hey, come in, please." I say and smile, letting him in and closing the door behind me, him turning around and his jaw dropping.

His eyes rake up and down my whole body, but he quickly looks away and blushes madly.

"I'll take your coat." I say and happily pull it off of his shoulders, hanging it up and grabbing his hand to lead him upstairs.

"S-so I was thinking we work on the second verse, I'm not very great at it." Harry says and I nod, standing in front of him.

I start to sing it, my voice filling the silence in my room besides the soft background music playing.

But as soon as it's his turn, my knees get weak at how beautiful his voice sounds.

Soon we're singing together and we've mastered the whole song Mrs. Dream assigned us.

"Who knew you were so great at singing? You should participate in class more." We're standing downstairs in the kitchen, drinking water and just talking about random things.

I've gotten him to open up to me a whole lot more, and don't think I don't notice when he sneaks glances at my bum whenever he can.

"Yeah, I just have never had the confidence." He says and shrugs, setting his water glass down and walking closer to where I'm sitting on the counter.

"Oh really? Well maybe you should be a little more risky." I say smugly, setting my glass with his and smirking at him.

He walks in between my legs, leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine softly.

I waste no time kissing back, putting both of my hands on the back of his neck and deepening the kiss.

His hands run up and down my exposed thighs and gently gripping, a whimper escaping my mouth at the sudden contact.

"You're beautiful you know? Always knew you were a bit feminine." He mumbles when we pull away, quickly attaching his lips to my neck.

"Fuck." I gasp out and wind my fingers into his soft curls, tugging lightly.

"So pretty." He whispers and puts one hand up my shirt, running his cold fingertips over my chest.

"Please." I whimper out and he pulls away, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

A few minutes later I'm sprawled across the bed, every thrust making it bang against the wall and a moan emit from my mouth.

"Fuck Simon." Harry flops down next to me when we both finish, panting heavily and looking over at me.

"I'd say that was a pretty successful practice." I say and smirk, catching my breath and relaxing against my bed.

"Yeah, but tomorrow your voice is going to be gone from you screaming my name." He says smugly and I groan, shoving him and laughing.

"Oh shut up."
Sorry I haven't updated this in a little bit! But I hope it was worth the wait! <3

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