Wedding Date (Minifreezy)

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•Pairing: Miniminter & Calfreezy (Simon and Cal)
•Prompt: Cal is Simon's date to his ex's wedding
•Warnings: Smut
I tap my fingers on the counter of the bar I'm  sitting at, the alcohol I had consumed making the edges of my vision fuzzy as I hum quietly to the song playing.

I had one too many drinks, but it was just to cloud over the fact that tomorrow was probably going to be the worst day of my life.

My ex, Harold Lewis, was getting married to someone much more attractive and better than me in pretty much every way.

I wouldn't usually be bothered by the fact that he invited me to the wedding, but it's been three years since we've spoken, and I'm still in love with him.

I sigh heavily as I shake my head, resting my head in my hands and trying to focus on the small buzz I had going from the drinks.

"Hello beautiful." I blush as a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes similar to mine sits next to me.

"Hello." I manage a smile as I look at the man, biting my lip as I instinctively look him up and down.

"You look like you have a lot on your mind, penny for your thoughts?" He asks and I sigh before sitting up, turning to look at him fully.

"My ex invited me to his wedding." I sigh and the man nods before ordering us both a shot, figuring I need one.

"Jeez, are you gonna go?" He asks and I shrug, running a hand through my hair and sighing exasperatedly.

"Well, what's the big deal? Just show up, watch the reception, have a few drinks, then leave." He shrugs and I take the shot from him- downing it before speaking again.

"I'm still in love with him." I say and the man nearly chokes on his shot as he downs it, his eyes widening as he looks at me.

"Fucking hell, that's gotta be rough." He murmurs and sets his glass down, biting his lip as he looks at me.

"Listen to me, spilling out all my secrets to you, I don't even know your name." I laugh at myself and he giggles quietly.

"Cal, or some of my friends call me Freezy." He shrugs and I raise my eyebrows at the last part.

"Freezy? Why Freezy?" I ask and bite my lip to hold back a laugh, watching as he holds his hand out.

"Grab my hand." He says and I'm confused for a second, but I reach forward to grab it anyway.

"Holy shit!" I pull my hand away as soon as it touches his, him laughing at my surprised reaction.

"That's why." He laughs and takes another swig of his drink- his icy blue eyes shining with amusement.

"Because your hands are freakishly cold? No wonder you have that nickname." I giggle and grab his hand again- holding it in between mine in attempt to warm it up.

"Thanks." He giggles and I blush a small bit as I intertwine my fingers with his, smiling as I feel his hand start to warm up.

"Give me your other one." I say and he sets his drink down- handing me his other hand.

I move my hands to grab his other one, intertwining our fingers again and blushing when his free hand runs over my jawline.

He puts two fingers under my chin and makes me look up at him, my cheeks flushing pink as he leans a little closer.

"I could take your mind off of everything for tonight..." He murmurs and my heart jumps at his suggestive tone, a small smirk appearing on my lips.

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