Drip (Minishaw) Pt. 1

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•Pairing: Miniminter & Wroetoshaw (Simon and Harry)
•Prompt: Simon rescues Harry after his abusive ex kicks him out on the streets
•Warnings: Slight triggers (I won't put warnings)
•3rd person POV
Harry shivers as he walks down the cold, dark streets of London- his legs bare and his oversized hoodie only covering down to his mid thigh.

Tears fall down his cheeks to accompany the rain already soaking his clothes and hair, the brown locks falling down into his face impairing his vision.

His steps are slow and stuttering as he holds himself, teeth chattering as he hangs his head and sobs quietly.

He's not sure how he got here- one minute him and his boyfriend were fine, cuddling under a warm blanket watching Netflix- the next he was getting kicked out in the middle of a storm.

Soon enough, his legs give out beneath him and he drops down to his knees- one hand resting on the wet pavement beneath him and the other covering his mouth as he cries.

This was it, this was the day that he had finally hit rock bottom.

His clothes were torn and dirty, shoes worn out along with chipped fingernail paint covering his slightly overgrown nails.

He misses Cal already, despite how he treated the younger boy like trash- Harry still adored him, even though he was the reason that the boy was now sitting outside during a storm.

If it wasn't for another tall blonde driving past in a rather expensive car, Harry wasn't sure how longer he'd go without getting hypothermia.

"Hey, are you alright?" Simon rolls down his window and yells to the now only half conscious boy, Harry just swaying slightly- feeling too weak to yell back.

"Help me, please.." Harry barely whispers, arms collapsing so he's laying on the cold ground as he shivers uncontrollably- teeth chattering loudly.

Simon's eyes widen at the condition of the young boy and he immediately jumps out of his car, quickly rushing to the boy's side despite the rain now starting to soak his clothes.

"Come on, it's way too cold out here for you." He murmurs and slowly guides Harry to his feet, keeping a tight grip on his waist to keep him steady.

Harry barely comprehends what's happening, all he remembers is being put into the back seat of the man's spacious car before passing out.

Simon drives home over the speed limit, frequently checking his rear-view mirror to see Harry still shaking and shivering.

As soon as he arrives at his house he gets Harry out of the car, deciding to carry the boy rather than make him stand considering he wouldn't be able to walk anyways.

Harry subconsciously cuddles into the taller's chest when he picks him up, fingers gripping onto his white shirt as he sniffles quietly.

The warmth of the house makes Harry's skin tint pink, the change of temperature contrasting weirdly with his ice cold skin.

Simon gently carries him into his master bathroom, his grip around Harry almost protective as he notices how pale the younger is.

"Sweetheart, I'm gonna have to take these off of you.." Simon murmurs when he sets Harry on the edge of his tub, the younger now slightly more aware as he nods.

Simon swallows dryly and bites the inside of his cheek as he gently peels off the brunette's soaked hoodie and shorts, blushing at the sight of his pink laced underwear.

He just moves on, untying the younger's converse and sliding them off of his small feet- taking his socks off after.

A small smile accompanies Simon's lips as he notices Harry's toenails were painted pink to match his fingernails, it was adorable.

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