home time

39 1 1

Ethan's POV

"Ashley get the door."

"Andy get the door."

"Charly get the door."

"Ronnie get the door."

"Jay get the door."

"Ethan get the door."

"Fuck you all." I groan, rolling off sofa. Stumbling over to the door my tired arms flinging open the metal door. The scene in front of me stops me in my tracks. "If you want your girlfriend and child back, close your mouth and move out of the fucking way."

"Jae...Emma..." I stutter. "Oh for fucks sake." Emma pushes past me and into the living room. Cries of "Jae!" And "what the hell?" Sounds from behind me. I can't move. "Ethan get your ass in here." Ashley calls. Breathing deeply I close the door and head towards the others.

"Ethan she's waking up!" Ashley bounces around like a excited puppy. "Ash chill, just give her some space." Ashley backs away and sits down. Everyone else leaves the room until it's just Jae, Emma, Ashley and I.

"Why are you here Emma?" I ask tiredly. "I was assigned to look after Jae, we bonded over some maternal shit and she promised that if I got her out then she would help keep me safe. Minx killed my whole family, I'm not doing anything for him again." Emma explains.

I search her eyes and see only truth and a flicker of regret. My arms coil around her and I hold her as she cries. The fact she was the girl I cheated on Jae with and then fucked up my life with her dick head brother is forgotten and irrelevant now. Now she's a broken person and I just want to fix her. She sniffles and calms down. "Emma, you're staying here with us." Jae says.

My attention is solely focused on her and Emma slips away. As she sits up I fling my arms round here. "I missed you so fucking much!" I say. I can feel her body shake as she sobs and I hold her tighter. "Don't cry babe, it's all OK. You're home now. I promise you're OK now."

The tone in my voice calms her down and she breathes more evenly. "I love you and missed you so fucking much Ethan." Pulling away from my embrace, Jae looks at Emma. "Thank you for bringing me home." Emma smiles and nods. "Thank you for letting me stay." Jae nods and leans into me.

Emma steps outside and Ash come to talk to her. "Baby girl I missed you so much." They both hug and cry. When the family reunion is over, the rest of the guys come in. CC comes in with a can of Monster and a huge smile. Better leave them to it.

I start to leave but Jae calls me back. I sit next to her and she grabd my hand, placing it on her stomach. I feel the little kicks and smile widely. I kiss her softly, keeping my hand on her stomach. "We did this babe. We made a person. We did it!"

Emma's POV

I leave, letting them have their family time. It's quite warm on the bus so I head outside. The chilly breeze is welcomed as it strokes my bare arms and legs. My bum vibrates so I fish for my phone.

E: hello?

M: did you think we wouldn't notice?

E: fuck off Minx, I left for a reason. I should've just let you kill me.

M: that can be arranged

E: promise me one thing

M: what

E: when I'm dead...leave Jae and her family alone

M: and why would I do that?

E: because then you will have won

M: not really

E: not really. You fucking killed my whole family! I'm letting you finish the job without a fight. How many people have to fucking die before you're happy?

M: as many as it will take

E: you're sick

M: I know

E: mom should've aborted you.

M: harsh

E: i wish it was you that died in the crash not them

M: well sometimes we don't get what we want

E: you're a dick

M: tell me something i don't know

E: how about the fact that i actually used to like you. I didn't just stay because you kept me alive. You're my brother, scrath that, you were my brother. Eventually I grew a brain and realised you're just as bad as him.

M: never compare me to him! Never!

E: then stop. Stop the drugs. Stop the killing. Calm down, go home, call Scott and start again. I know how much he misses you.

M: I...I can't

E: It's not your fault they died, Scott forgives you. He never blamed you and you know that. Is that what this is all about? That crash? It's not your fault. You never saw the car coming.

M: I should've

E: but you didn't

M: I'll see you Friday. That's your last day. Make it a good one.

He hangs up. Friday. That's two days. I'm going to die in two days. I'm not ready. What have I done?

mistylily30 sorry for making your character evil babes. I know he was in it more last chapter but i can't remember if I said he was your character...sorry.

Sorry for not updating earlier guys. I've been super busy. I'll try update my other stories more as well as this one.

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