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Jae's POV

Everyone heads back to their own buses to dry off and get changed. My phone beeps and so does Andy's and Jinxx's. Ronnie sent a group text to us saying "dry off, get changed, meet at my bus x".

"He put a kiss! He put a kiss!" Andy shouts. My phone buzzes again and Jinxx laughs. Andy obviously told him how he feels about that. "Gayyy" Andy says. I punch him.

Oli, Gabe and Jaime are already at FIR's bus and they're all waiting for us. "Ya'll walk slow, hurry the fuck up!" I shout at Andy and Jinxx. They're to busy pissing about to notice. When they've stopped acting like children, the Asshole gang (that's our name now) walk into FIR's bus.

"Is the bus allowed to leave site?" I ask nervously. Ronnie nods. "Everyone left earlier, it's just us guys now." That makes me slightly more comfortable. We spend the rest of the journey singing really loudly. Best ride ever!

"We're here!" Oli sings. I cheer and jump off the bus, face planting into Jacky. "Sorry." I giggle. Jacky laughs and puts his arm around me. "Come on squidge, lets ink your arms and put more holes in your face." I count the number of piercings I have. Three on each ear, one nose ring and after today one lip ring and a bar through my eyebrow. Perfect!

I follow everyone into the parlour and tell the designer what I want. She nods and starts. Andy holds my hand the whole way through. A chilly breeze sweeps through the room but I don't shiver.

Finally the tattoos are done. After spending many hours of sitting here, my butt's gone numb. I have large black wings spreading across my back, wolf claw marks are across my scars and a little rose chain goes down my neck and across my collarbone. The pain is worth it. I'm planning on getting more but another time, if we spend any more time here, we'll be here all day.

"You ok? I'll go pay for this, go with Jaime and pick out your piercings" Andy instructs. It's sweet how much he cares. He's like my brother. He may be Dad's brother but he's also like mine. Not like they're related in anyway. And he cares about me more anyways.

Three hours later we emerge into the brilliant sunshine. I got my eyebrow and lip pierced, Ronnie got a tattoo of a teardrop on his face and Andy got his nose pierced. It was a GREAT day!

"Hey Jae we need to go get your new phone!" Jinxx reminds me. "Oh God yeah! Let's go. There's a store round the corner. Shall we go there?" Jinxx nods and we all walk off. "Oh are you guys coming as well?" I ask in suprise.
"Sure why not. Don't want to get lost do we?" Oli replys. "True...ok come on." I give in and they follow me like a pack of hounds. Great now I have pets. Fucks sake.

"Hey can I get a new phone? I kinda broke mine..." the phone guy nods and smiles a genuine smile. While I'm sorting out mt phone and contract, Ronnie and Andy decide to play random video games on the screens, Oli and Jaime are being basic bitches by picking up phones and putting on fake bitch ass accents. Then there's Gabe and Jacky running around.

"Gabe, Jacky fucking stop! You're scaring people!" I hiss. Jinxx takes over sorting out my phone and I take care of the guys. "Right you guys need to chill the fuck out, Ronnie get off Andy it's just a game and Jaime stop pouting and put down the phone. Oli you're not a basic bitch...stop!" Everyone stops, shocked by the stern tone in my voice. Jinxx passes me a box. "Here's your phone, I paid and don't," I open my mouth "I promised. Here's my promise." I close my mouth and smile and hug him. "Thank you." I whisper. Jinxx hugs me back.

"Ok lets go home then." Gabe says. We all groan, I don't want this day to end. On the way back the karaoke resumes and we all promise to use the group chat to make any plans and we can add people if we want. We are the Asshole gang and nothing can change that.

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