Are you sure?

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Dedicated to fortheloveofrock

Jae's POV

"Jae where are you going? He'll come back! Just give him time." I ignore Jinxx's pleas and carry on packing. My suitcase is on my bunk and random objects and clothes are being thrown in. My charger goes in last.

"If he comes back, tell him to call me." I say to Andy as I storm into the kitchen area. "Where will you go?" Jinxx asks. "I called someone, I'm staying with them. Don't come find me. Don't ask anyone otherwise I will actually leave and you won't ever find me. If you want to check on me then text. If you see me ignore me. I might come back I don't know. I love you all but I'm not spending anymore time around him." My instructions are clear. Harsh but they need to leave me and forget me.

Voices float after me, abruptly cut off by the slam of the heavy metal door. Tears sting my eyes but I don't look back. I can't. Trudging across the field I spot Dad. He doesn't see me. I sprint to Ronnie's bus before he can. I knock quickly. "It's open!" Someone shouts.

Pushing open the door, shouts meet my ears. "Hey! You cheated! No way did you get in front of me!" Ryan shouts. "Actually bitch I'm just fucking better than you!" Ronnie screams back. "Seriously, you guys are fighting over Mario Kart?" I ask incredulously. Jacky takes my suitcase of me. "It's best to just leave them." He whispers. "Come on, I'll show you to your bunk." I follow him to a spare bunk at the back.

For a moment I just stare at it and think about my bunk. I miss the guys already. "Hey Jacky?" He looks at me. "Can I just call someone?" Jacky understands and leaves me alone. Sitting on the edge of the bunk, I stare at the piece of crafted metal in my hands. "Come on Jae, come on. It's not that hard. Just turn it on and call Andy." I tell myself. But I refuse to listen.

Defeated I slump against my pillow and the tears threatening to fall, spill over, coating my cheeks in salty water. My body aches for my family. For my Dad. But he doesn't care. They don't either. These guys do. These guys are my family. I'm not alone.

"Jae! Wanna come for a walk with us?" Ron calls. "Sure just give me a few minutes!" I call back. Sitting up, I attempt to unpack, clothes in an empty space and on empty hangers, charger in the wall. Everything else is still in my suitcase. I might go back. One day. Satisfied I turn to leave but arms wrap around my legs and throw me over a shoulder.

"Ronnie! Put her down you fucktard." Ryan instructs. Carefully Ronnie puts me back down. "Fuck you!" I punch Ronnie's arm playfully. He pouts but takes my arm, leading me outside.

"Ok first we need to go to the bouncy castle!" Jacky declares. Everyone shouts in agreement. I take this time to retract my arm from Ronnies. "I'm just gonna get a coffee." I say to him. "Of course hun, you know where we are?" I nod. "I think I remember."

"Ok if you get lost, call me." I nod again and wave, walking away. The sun is shining and so is my mood. I'm happy and carefree. I seem to be passed from person to person. My first foster family just used me for the money but I got out of that quickly. Then my second foster mom died so I got sent back. And then Ashley adopted me. Kinda wishing he didn't.

For the past year I hoped Dad would take me back and Ronnie would adopt me. He's always cared about me. Of course the other guys did more but I want to get away from Ashley. Not spend more time with him. I'm so lost in thought that I didn't notice the girl in front of me. Sorry, the FUCKING GORGEOUS girl in front of me.

"I am so sorry." I apologise. "It's fine, you must have a lot to think about." She says. Her voice is beautiful. It's not soft but not harsh. Black hair with blue streaks, hangs in waves around her shoulders. Purple eyeshadow lies underneath neat, black, winged eyeliner. Contour makes her cheekbones pop and damn that jawline. And those full, soft lips. She's amazing.

"I love your outfit." She gushes. I blush and look down. I just threw on what I could find which just happened to be a BVB tank, black ripped, studded shorts and fishnets. My black converse are old but comfy. Her hand runs through my wavy red hair. "It's beautiful." She whispers. Her outfit is amazing! She's wearing a Green Day hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans. Army combat boot are laced up her legs.

"Oohh! You're bracelets are goals!" She squeals. My arms are adorned with many band bracelts ranging from Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil. I'm also showing off my new tattoos. Obviously she notices them.

"Oh my God they're gorgeous! I want the pride flag tattooed when I have the money and time." She says. "The pride flag? Are you gay?" I ask cautiously. She nods. "I'm Charley." She says. "Jae, spelt J A E. It's short for Jenina but you can probably tell why I shorten it." Charley nods and giggles making me smile.

"Yes I'm Charley, I'm pansexual, I'm also non-binary so they/them pronouns please. I'm 16, I love alternative music and all the genres in it. I'm here with my big brother Rian Dawson." Charley tells me. "Well my name is Jae. I am a lesbean. Female. I'm 16, I love the same music as you, I'm here with my Dad Ashley Purdy but we have...issues so I'm staying with FIR. In fact they're waiting for me now. I just came to get a coffee and met you!" I remember why I'm here. Oops.

"I'll get coffee with you and then you can go back. Is that ok?" Charley asks. "Yeah of course! You can come with me to see them if you want." They seem to love this idea and I'm glad. I like them already. Oh God.

Ashley's POV

I don't know why I ran. I feel awful! I can't believe I've done this to Jae. She doesn't deserve it. "Are you ok?" A woman asks. I look at her then look away in disgust. Fake boobs, fake ass, fake...everything! Even her concern is. In other words, exactly my type. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I groan and push her away. I need to go apologise to Jae. Getting back to the bus I see everyone in the living room area. "Have you seen Jae?" I ask. She's the only one not here. "Ash...she left. After you left she did. Packed her suitcase and went. She hasn't left site so she's staying with people around here. Obviously we know them and I'm 99% sure it's with Ronnie. Done go find her, don't call her and if you see her ignore her. That's what she told us. If you love her, listen."

Andy's words are being registered and I understand but my head's a mess. This is all my fault. I drove my daughter away. I'm such a fuck up. I'm pathetic. I might never get her back.

Drama!!!! Thank you to everyone reading and a shout out to fortheloveofrock they're amazing and their stories are amazing and please go give them love. Love you all :) xox

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