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Ronnie's POV

Jae and I run back to the bus in hysterics. Pete and Mikey had to head back but we got their numbers and I can tell Jae is buzzing!

"Andy oh my God! We just met Pete and Mikey and I got a new trash can home and there's a bouncy castle near Pierce's bus and we said we would meet Jaime, Gabe, Jacky and Oli there are you coming?" Jae says all in one breath. For a second no one says anything, suprised at how much she can say all at once.

"Yeah of course, I'll see if the others want to come." Jae and I nod.

Jae's phone rings and shocks us both. Putting it on speaker, she answers.

"Jenina Melinda Purdy where in Gods name have you been?"

"I've been with my legal family Aunt Claire."

"Ah yes those fags. You are so much better than them. Come back to us!"

"No! I love them! In case you forgot I am one of those 'fags' so go fuck yourself. I should never have met up with you. That was three years ago! Can't you get over it?"

"No! What would your mother think? You're a dissapoint-" her ranting was cut off by Jae throwing her phone against the wall. It shatters into little glass shards.

My arms automatically wrap around her as she breathes heavily in shock and anger, tears spilling out of hate filled eyes. "Jae hun, calm down. She's gone, she can't find you or hurt you. Andy is going to come back and we're going to go out. Is that ok?" I've learnt when she's angry the best thing to do is talk to her. Reassure her and tell her a plan to keep her busy. Then no one gets hurt.

"O..ok.. I ca..can do that." She stutters, a little shaky. Andy comes back down followed by Jinxx and CC. "Where's Dad?" Jae asks. I'm suprised at her acting skills, being able to hide her emotions from them. "He's..umm..busy..." Andy trails off. "He's got another slut." Jae says what we're all thinking. Andy just nods.

"Right lets go! Have you got your phone?" Jinxx asks, interrupting the silence. Jae points guiltly at the floor. We all look at what remains of her phone. "Right, after the bouncy castle we'll get you a new phone." Andy promises. "And a tattoo?"


"And some new clothes?"

"Don't push it."

Jae grins and we all head off the bus and towards the castle. Luckily this one seems to be just for the bands; I can still hear screaming fans in the distance. "Oli! Jaime! Gabe!" Jae sprints and attatches herself to all three of them in one big group squish.
Oli and Gabe laugh and detatch themselevs but Jaime still clings to her like a limpet. "Come on thay castle isn't going to bounce on itself!" Jacky declares. Jae hugs Jacky quickly before racing after Andy. I try to catch up with them but when I get there she's already jumping around.

"Come on Ronnie! Don't make me jump on you." That image and Ashleys face is enough to make me join her, I don't want to get mauled by an angry perv. "So when you get your tattoo, make sure it's easy to hide. Ashley might not be that happy about it." Jinxx points out. She just shrugs "Nah it's fine. He hasn't paid that much attention to me recently, he's too busy fucking the same lame damn bitch, that comes to every show, showing her fake ass tits but not me! I'm on a whole other planet and I'll be damned if I sit back and let this fucking shit happen. So it's fine." I push her into Jacky.

"You and your fucking references!" Andy groans. "I am aware that I am an asshole...but you don't need to remind me." Jae smirks. I get an idea. "Jenina Melinda Purdy if you don't stop with the tattoo" she glares at me and looks quite upset at the same time. "Ok no more refrences."


"Yee." I glare at her and then she screams. "Water fight!" Oli shouts pelting her with more water bombs. "Oh it is on bitch! Hit me again and I will shove one so far up your ass you'll be coughing water out of your lungs for a week." She threatens.

Oli giggles (actually giggles!) and throws another one. I'm happy just standing here, bouncing and watching them, the next thing I know CC is drenching me in water. Now I know how he felt this morning. Well shit. So long and goodnight eyeliner

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying it!! Please vote and comment! I love reading them. They make me laugh a lot! Xox

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