Die in a hole

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Charlys POV

Everyone is slightly hungover or still drunk but I'm not. Haha suck it bitches! I woke up and Jae wasn't here but I'm not suprised. She just randomly leaves for a few hours, sometimes all day. She either comes back, hungry, tired, ecstatic or drunk.

I sit on the sofa, watching everyone move around me. "Hey did I wake up in the middle of The Walking Dead set?" I ask. The responses are mainly grunts and middle fingers. "Love you too." I smile sweetly.

The bus door bangs open and a dyed black and red head pops through "wassup fuckers" it screams.

"Jae go fucking die!" Andy shouts back

"What crawled up your ass and died?" She snorts

"A bottle of vodka, several shots and a hangover now piss off. Go blow up someone else."

"Nah it's fun pissing off you...I think I'll stay."

"Go do something else. Leave me the fuck alone!"

"My hobby is falling of bridges. What can I do with that? Drag you with me?" Jae is such a twat. She was about to say something else but she was lifted up and carried off. I follow gazelle legs and my girlfriend, to see her dropped on the floor. Jayy pokes his head out if his bus. "Shut up! Me and Davhie are trying to sleep. Emphasis on the trying." He groans.

"Hi Jayy," she greets him. "What are you doing on the floor?" He asks. "I'm hungry and I didn't have time to scream rape." Andy picks her up again to move her futher away and she opens her mouth. "RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE!!" Shrieks fly out of her mouth.

"ANDREW WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DAUGHTER?" Ashley runs outside. "Oh shit!" Andy shouts. Jae is dropped (again) and Andy runs. He's thrown to the ground and Ashley, CC and Jake pile on top.

"Can ya'll emo cunts shut the fuck up? I'm trying to sleep!" Kellin shouts. "Shut up Kellin you wank stain cunt! Go fuck a cow!" Jae shouts at him. "That's it...I'm getting the broom!" Kellin dissapears from the window and Jae lies down.

"Is it dead?" I ask, prodding her with my toe. She doesn't move so I carry on. Suddenly she sits up...and bites my ankle! "This was not in our contract! We agreed to no biting." I growl. "Sorry you're just so fucking sexy I...GET THE FUCK OFF ME ANDY YOU LAME ASS CUNT MOTHERFUCKING BITCH ASS DICK SUCKER CLIT LICKER T-REX ASSHOLE!" Jae curses and spits as she's lifted up again.

"Nah that's Ronnie." Andy grins. "I was called?" Ronnie fucking Radke just turns up. Of. Fucking. Course. "Language!" Ash scolds. "Fuck off Dad we've all heard worse." She reatliates. He shoots her the finger. "Fucking hypocrite." She whispers. I kiss her gently. "It's ok baby, come on lets go back inside." I offer. She nods. "Ond minute." She whispers. I watch her run up to Andy. He's deep in conversation with Ronnie so doesn't notice her.

She waits for a bit until Ronnie sees her. He smirks but goes back to neutral quickly so Andy doesn't suspect. She counts on her fingers down to three...then licks Andys face and runs. Well shit.

Andy's POV

After everything Jae has done today I'm so fucking done with her so when she licks me that's it. I snap. She thinks she can outrun me but has she seen these legs. Run bitch run. Andy's coming for ya.

She glances behind for a split second and I set off. Of course she slowed down to look so I have the advantage of gaining on her. First her feet or in front of me on the floor, then they're in front of my face. "How's the veiw?" I call to her, smirking. "It's a bit flat. Does Juliet like that? Small and flat?" Is her response. Well fuck her. Not literally of course.

I search for what I'm looking for while she continues to diss my ass and penis. "...it's like a baby carrot though...it has no shape...are you just all leg?...do you even have an ass?...come one we've all seen each other naked...I just wanna say-" she's cut short by me dumping her in the trash. "Now when you open that hole you call a mouth all the bullshit has somewhere to go."

I walk off, satisfied by my sass. "It's dark in here." Jae grumbles. I see Charly walking back to the bus and wink at them. Rummaging in my pocket I find my little torch, in case I ever wanna join in with the crowd because taking a lighter onstage is generally frowned upon. Once I have the torch is toss it into the trash can and carry on walking.


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