Don't threaten me with no new tattoos

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Ronnie's POV

Oli and I are taking our shoes off to go on some trampolines that someone brought over. Luckily they're right next to the bouncy castle so Jae won't lose me. Speaking of Jae...there she is! Who's that? "Oli do you know that  girl with Jae is?" Oli looks up. "No...JAE! OVER HERE!" He shouts waving his arms.

Jae giggles and rushes over, bringing her friend with her. "Hi Ronnie, this is Charly, they're non-binary, 16 and in love with you guys. They're also my best friend." Jae can't stop smiling. I've never seen her this happy before

"Hi I'm Charly." They say. I give them a hug, they seem nervous. "So Charly, who do you like more? My band or Ronnie's?" Oli questions. Jae rolls her eyes and hits him. "Ummm Jaime's." Charly answers. Jae high fives them. "Suck it bitch." She says to Oli. Trying to look hurt, Oli crosses his arms. "Fuck off Oli we love ya' really." Jae says. Placing one of her hands on Olis chest she says. "I can't hear the silence, I can't see the dark, I can't fix the broken, but I can feel your heart."

She seems really proud of that reference so in typical Ronnie Radke style I decide to ruin it. "Fuck you with your references, I won't pay for your next tattoo." She falls for my little joke and burys her face into Charly's shoulder. They hug her and whisper to her. Jae's voice is muffled but I can still hear a "sorry Ronnie, please don't threaten me with no new tattoos." I feel mean so I apologise.

I'm in the process of turning round when the ground rushes to meet my face. Hands catch me, lifting me up and setting me upright. "Careful Ronnie, it's only 11am, you shouldn't be drinking at this time." Jacky says with a laugh. "Thanks for catching me Jacky but I haven't been drinking." I reply. I know exactly what it is.

Making my way back to the trampoline, Jae leaves Charly with Oli and comes to talk to me. "Have you been sleeping?" She asks with concern. I look at her face and I feel so much love towards her. She cares so much and she's so worried about me so I don't lie to her. "No I haven't. I've tried but I can't." I admit. "Ok same actually. I have some sleeping pills for my insomnia so if you maybe go to the doctors and they say that's what it is, then you either get prescribed some or you can use mine." Jae offers. I pull her into a bear hug.

"Thank you." I mean it.

Jae's POV

Ronnie seems grateful for me caring. Of course I care. I'm so fucking worried about him though but I have other issues like my sexuality. For years I was so convinced I was gay and then I met Charly. They're so fucking amazing and I really like them but they're not female. Thinking about it I probably wouldn't have sex with them. Or would I? I don't know. If I didn't then I would be lesbian and panromantic but if I did would that just make me pan?

I'm so confused! I'll just ask them.



"Can I talk to you?" Charly nods and I jog over to them. "I need your help with something. Basically I have a crush on someone but they're not female and I'm confused coz I know I'm a lesbian but...I also really like this person. Any suggestions?" I feel my face heat up and look to see if they notice.

They're eyes look into mine and they ask me "can I try something?" I nod and am about to ask what when Charly's lips meet mine. Oh fuck. It is so amazing. Their lips are soft and smooth. I feel light headed and my stomach is doing backflips. My heart beats faster as our tongues dance. I let out a soft moan and pull them closer, my fingers through their black hair.

As we kiss I breathe them in. They smell like lemons. I love lemons. Their hands wrap around my waist pushing our bodies together. Charly breaks the kiss to litter kisses down my jaw and neck, sucking and biting one spot under my ear. I moan again, leaning into it. The area becomes sore and I know they made a mark.

As revenge I pull away, tugging their hair slightly. I reattach our lips briefly before moving to their collar bone where it's more visible. I smirk into the mark I made, kissing them again. "Fuck you." Charly moans.

"Hey! No fucking on the bouncy castle." Someone shouts. We break away giggling. I kiss Charly again and then turn to see who interrupted us. I'm annoyed because I wanted to see how far we could go. I'm comfortable with going all the way. Maybe I'm a lesbian but Charly is my exception. Yeah. That works.

"Fuck you Alex." I say slapping his shoulder. "I'm just looking out for Charly. Rian wouldn't be happy if she lost her virginity on a bouncy castle." Alex says.

"Well if he thinks a bouncy castle's bad then he doesn't wanna know. Try a bathroom in a strip club, drunk." They say. I raise an eyebrow. "You think that's bad? Try your dad's bunk, on a bus with all his band, while it's moving, high, with his makeup artist for that tour. Yeah that was fun, she quit afterwards because I didn't want a relationship." Thinking about it, that was kinda harsh and I feel a bit bad but she left so I don't need to worry.

Charly slips their fingers through mine and squeezes. I squeeze back. "Will you be mine?" I ask them. "Yes." They say with a kiss. I smile into it, nothing can bring us down. Charly and I fall in a heap with people on top of us. Except maybe Jaime, Oli, Ronnie, Kellin, Jacky and Alex. They can bring us down.

I wriggle from underneath them, racing round to help Charly out. Without us underneath, everyone collapses, tangled in each other. I take a quick picture and tweet it with the caption: @JaeBVBgurl: this is what happens when you break us up.

And then I tweet again: @JaeBVBgurl: w/ @Charly'sAnAngel: love youuu <3 xxx

A few minutes later I have loads of replys of "aww cute." "I'm jealous" "they're both cute together." "Faggot!" Of course we ignore the last one.

Charly and I help the guys off the ground. Ronnie picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Charly! Help!" I squeal. They just laugh and take a picture so I flip them off. My phone in my hand goes off and I got a tweet. @Charly'sAnAngel: @JaeBVBgurl: looking good babe ♥♥

"Fuck off" I laugh. Ronnie laughs too. He's seen the tweet. "Language." A stern voice says. "Who died and made you Captain America, Dad? Such a hypocrite." I scoff, turning to face him.

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