I want to die

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Charly's POV

No. No why now? Why are they here now? Don't look at me. Don't look at me. Shit! They did oh fuck. I turn and look at Jae dancing next to me, totally oblivious. She's so fucking beautiful and I don't want her to get hurt. We're right next to the stage so loads of people can see us and we're safe...for now.

Oh God why now? I'm so happy right now. Why can't they just fuck off and leave me alone?

Jae's POV

I wake up blinking furiously. Last night was so much fun! And then there was the concert as well. I slide my arm from around Charly's waist and pull on some clothes.

I bump into Jinxx as he heads back to the bunks. "You're lucky Ash, Andy and CC were at the meet and greet late last night. Me and Jake weren't so lucky." He whispers. He walks away laughing as I feel my cheeks heat up. Shit were we that loud?

Whatever. Grabbing my phone I write everyone a little note and decide to go for a walk and a stretch. It's still quite early so not everyone's awake yet. People are wandering aimlessly but most people are still either passed out or throwing up. Sucks to be them. I'm glad I didn't go to a party and drink. It means I can remember everything from last night...

"Jamina Spritz?" A rough voice asks. I whirl round, shocked. No one's called me that in a long long time. "Oh fuck this! What do you want?"

"Someone's very intent on seeing you." He says. He's dressed in black jeans, white boots, a white shirt and a black blazer. Thankfully he doesn't have the stereotypical sunglasses. He pulls out a pair of sunglasses. Fucks sake!

"Yeah? Well you can tell Shaun and Emma or whatever her name is to suck my ass 'cause I ain't going nowhere near them. Not again. Don't think I didn't see you last night. Charley did though and they freaked the fuck out." He doesn't seem fazed by my little rant. "Whatever" he shrugs and walks off.

I know better than to think I'm alone. If he left like that then someone there. "What do you want?" I question. I don't even look. "I just want to talk." That velvet voice. Still the same from ten years ago. "Some thing never change do they Shaun?" He chuckles and walks around until we're face to face. Ew.

"No but you certainly have. Yes we've met in other circumstances over the years but I will never forget that night. You were amazing." I remember. Two years ago he raped me. I'd just gone for a walk and then I saw him again. He got me drunk and high then used me. I felt so dirty afterwards. I still remember his laugh, his cruel, echoing laugh.

"How's little Charly? I've heard things about you two. How cute! Maybe I should say hi to them it's been a while." His smile stretches but doesn't meet his eyes.

All past feelings dissolve into a sea of anger. A crimson mist covers my eyes and red is all I see.

"Fuck you." I punch him. "Fuck you and your drugs." I punch again. "Fuck you and your manipulation." Againm "Fuck you and your lies." Once morem "Fuck you and your cold twisted heart." I slam my fist into his face with everything I have. All my strength, anger, memories, love, heart break, adrenaline. Everything.

I feel the bones in his nose and jaw shatter and snap, blood spurts from his nose and mouth, 0.01% skin is visible. The rest is coated in a thick crimson river, pouring down his face and clothes, dripping to the ground. I'm not sure if the blood on my fist is mine from my split knuckles or from him.

Still angry that he can somehow still smile I lash out. My knee lifts up. He curls inwards. My foot collides with his stomach, sending him skidding backwards. When he's on the ground I kick and kick again, slamming into his stomach, his ribs, his face just anywhere I can reach.

I kick his stomach "That's for Lucy." I kick his ribs "That's for Jake." I kick his face "That's for Kiera."

I jump up high and land hard onto both his legs. I feel the tendons pull, muscles tear, bones snap and blood pools out. His howls and screams of pain fill the morning air but it's still not enough, it will never be enough.

Not after what he did.

I crouch down so I'm close to his face. His breathing is fast, shallow and uneven. "Stay the fuck away from me and Charly. If anyone hurts them or gets in any contact with them they will die. If Charly finds them or they find Charly, they will be unfixable and you will be lucky if you're still breathing." My warning is clear and easy to remember. Just let him try.

His eyes roll back and he loses consciousness. Disgusted I stand back up and spit on his face. I'm so done.

"That was fun and well deserved." I say to no one but somehow I know that someone heard.

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