A day with the spesh beans

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Jae's POV

"Ok please get off me. I love you and all but...I...can't...breathe" I attempt to peel a very clingy Pete Wentz of my torso but to no avail. "Pete you twat get off her." Thank God for Mikey Way.

Pete loosens his grip and steps out of the hug. My lungs immediately fill with air and I breathe. Once I've introduced oxygen to my body again I hug Mikey. Luckily he doesn't knock all the air out of me with his hug. "How've you been my little rainbow?" Mikeh asks. I blush "well...actually I'm not gay." Pete's eyes widen and I hurridly correct myself.

"Well I am  but I'm not a lesbian. I'm bisexual. I have a boyfriend. His na-" the rest of my sentence is cut off and drowned out by Pete's screams. He continues to scream despite all attempts to shut him up so I buy a can of coke and pour it over his head.

He screams again and then shuts up. He gives me a death stare and I shrug. "It shut you up." I wink at Mikey. Pete pouts "you don't even love me" he mumbles. Mikey and I share a look before hugging him. "Of course we do Pete." Mikey says. "You're just a loud idiot that wouldn't shut up." I finish for him. Pete thinks about it then licks my cheek. "So what's his name?" Mikey asks.

I don't answer for a few minutes because I'm to busy wiping at my face and squealing. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew Pete you scuzzer. His name is Ethan. I've dated him before. It didn't go very well but we're good now." I conclude.

"What happened with Charly?" Pete presses. "They...they hit me. I was just sitting on the sofa then they came in and started calling me pathetic and shit then...hit me..." I whisper. Mikey gestures at my eye. I nod. "Yeah Charly scratched me." I confirm.

"That fucking bitch!" Pete exclaims. We all silently agree and keep walking. Somehow we find ourselves at the coffee cart where we first met and see "Ronnie!" I fling myself at him. "Hey BR, what happened to your face?" He asks. "Charly. They ended it but I have a boyfriend now!" I tell him excitedly. He ignores the last bit and answers the first. "I'll bash their face in." Ronnie growls.

"Shit no. Bad Ronnie. You won't hurt anyone. That means no punching, no fights and no throwing anyone across a parking lot ok?" I sound stern but he needs to learn. Ronnie pouts but nods.

"So who's the lucky fella?" He asks with a wink. "Someone called Ethan." Pete butts in. "Shut up Pete you buttwipe." Mikey groans. I giggle but Ronnie doesn't look happy. "Ethan Fox?" He asks. I nod slowly then grab his arm. "Chill. Dad's fine with it so you should be as well. Everyone knows and he hasn't hurt me. He was very nice." I know how Ronnie gets when he's protective.

"Hey Jae, hey Ronnie!" A boy says. "Ethan!" Ronnie and I say. I see the look on Ronnie's face and signal to Mikey and Pete.

"Pete, Mikes hold his arms, Ronnie calm down, Ethan don't say anything to piss him off." Ronnie protests and tries to shake them off but they are strong motherfuckers.

"Ronnie this is Ethan. My boyfriend. Mikey, Pete you can let him go." Ethan walks up to Ronnie. "Hey Ronnie." He greets him and holds out his hand. Ronnie just looks at it for a few moments then hesitantly shakes it.

"Ok Pete, Mikey and I are gonna go have a girls day out and you guys are gonna trust each other again." I chide. Ronnie rolls his eyes. "Ronald! Play nice." I kiss Ethan and give him a hug. Then I turn to Ronnie. "Look after him, he's fragile." That earns me a poke from Ethan but Ronnie smirks.

Mikey wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up. I kick and scream but he continues to carry me, only stopping to place me on a wall. "Fuck you Michael!" I shout. He flips me off and Pete takes a picture. I need to get down someway but there's only one way down. "Oof" I climb off Pete and pat his head. "Who's a good crash mat?" I coo. He peels himself off the floor and glares at me.

He tackles Mikey and knocks him over. "Mikes give me the phone! Delete it! Delete it!" In the struggle I grab Mikey's phone and work on uploading it to his Twitter.

@MikeyWay: just chilling with my babe and Pete. @JaeBVBgurl @PeteWentz

Loads of replys come flooding through and I giggle, replying to myself? Pete gasps when he looks at his phone but Mikey, covered in grass stains, just laughs. "Jae you toe what the fuck! I look like some sort of..of.." he struggles "crash mat?" I offer. He nods. "God you're such a bitch sometimes!"

"Yeah but you love me." He nods and smiles. I roll my eyes at him then take Mikeys hand. "Come on. I wanna see PTV play." We half run half roll down the hill towards the main stage. "Wait! You guys run fast! Slow down!" Pete calls. When we reach the bottom I turn and shout "hurry up!"

Pete finally catches up to us. "Fucking hate you." He hisses at me. I smile at him "you love me really." Again he just nods. "You're such a sponge!" I giggle. He hits me and we all walk arm in arm towards the stage. Fuck yeah!


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