Fucks sake

56 2 11

Charly's POV

Deep breathe.


Knock, knock.

"Hang on! Jayy, move your fucking legs!" Jae shouts. I push a strand of hair behind my ear and bite my lip. Seconds feel like hours until she opens the door. "Ok so I ma- oh, it's you." That little 'oh' hurt so much. "Hi. Um I know it's kinda late and I don't expect you to forgive me but...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

After my apology there's a long silence until "come in." I follow Jae inside and shut the door. We walk through the living room towards the bunks. Jayy, Ronnie and Kellin watch us. "Ok so you've apologised. Thank you. Tell me why you did it." I knew she'd ask this.

"Well, there's some...people and things that happened years ago. Basically it's my family. They're abusive and alcoholics and they have connections to 'bad' people. They're dangerous. Rian got out and took me with him but I saw them a few weeks ago, the day we broke up. They threatened to kill Rian. I got scared and didn't want you to get hurt so I ended it. It hurt and it still does but I kinda moved on."

I don't know what I'm waiting for but I just sit here waiting for Jae to say something, anything. "So you came to apologise and explain, you didn't want me hurt so you beat me. It's understandable, harsh and everyone hates you, but I understand. I have also moved on and you don't have to worry about me getting hurt. You know I'm used to the abuse and I'm strong, I can handle whatever."

It hurt a bit when she said she'd moved on but I have as well and I need to remember that. "So who's the lucky girl?" Jae asks, wiggling her eyebrows. I sigh and smile. "She's called Melanie and she has the prettiest hair. She has an amazing smile and sparkling eyes. Her voice is fucking amazing but she plays guitar best, God she's so fucking good!" I blush noticing Jae smiling.

"What?" I whine. "She sounds perfect." Jae whispers. I nod. "Can..can we be...friends?" Jae asks timidly. My eyes widen and I nod franticly. "Yes! Yes of course!" She flings her arms around me and hugs me tight.

We chat for a bit and she tells me about her boyfriend Ethan and their history. I show her a pic of Mel and she shows me one of Ethan. Halfway through a debate about the best sponge bob character (A/N obviously Squidward fight meh) she stops talking and darts to the bathroom. I run after her and sit beside her, rubbing her back as she empties her stomach contents into the toilet.

"Are you ill hun?" I ask. I feel her forehead but she doesn't have a raised or lowered temperature. "I don't know. I threw up this morning and yesterday. It might be a bug but if it doesn't stop I'll go to the doctors. I really ho-" she cuts herself off to puke again. Jayy and Ronnie come over to us to check on her.

"Hey go get some water." Jayy says to Ronnie. Ronnie leaves and Jayy says, "Kellin left. He has to go speak to Vic about something. On the bright side Ethan's back. The guys should be back from sound check soon." Once Jae stops being sick, Jayy and I help her to her bunk.

"I'll grab a bucket." Jayy says. Ronnie gives Jae her water and Jayy comes back with the bucket. "Come on Jayy we should go." Ronnie says. "Oh shit yeah! The meet and greet." Jayy kisses Jaes cheek and Ronnie gives her a hug. "See ya later Cheeto." Jayy says.

When they leave Ethan comes in to see her. "Hi I'm Charly." I say to him. Ethan pulls Jae closer to him and doesn't make eye contact. "Hi." He says quietly. Jae wriggles and Ethan lets her go. "It's ok babe. They apologised and explained. They looked after me when I threw up." Ethan looks at me and smiled. "Thanks. Sorry." He says meekly. I smirk and nod.

"Hey why did Jayy call you Cheeto?" I ask.

Jae's POV

I giggle. "Ok a couple of weeks ago me, Andy and Jayy got really, really, really drunk and played truth or dare. Jayy dared me to do something stupid that I'm gonna remember and possible regret forever so," I laugh again and then continue "I filled up a blow up pool with cheetos and swam in them." I left out the part where Jayy licked the dust off my face and body.

For some reason Charly is in hysterics. "You ok babes?" I ask. They shoot me a thumbs up but continue laughing. Ethan looks at me incredulously. I just shrug. He leans down to kiss me but I duck my head and spew into the bucket. It sprays all over the sides and just the sight of it makes me puke again.

Ethan excuses himself. I know he cares but this shit always makes him feel ill. Charly stops laughing and rubs my back again. I groan "oh I hate this."

"Think of something that makes you happy. A good memory." I think hard.


"Have you ever thought about kids?" I ask Ethan. We're watching One Born Every Minute and it gets me thinking. "Yeah I have. I definitely want them. I've always wanted them, you know how much I love them." He says. I nod. He has three younger brothers and loves looking after them. He's a natural.

"I have as well. I want kids someday. I'm not bothered when I just...want to watch someone grow up and think 'I helped and watched as this person grew up' I don't know why." Ethan kisses my nose and I snuggle into his chest.

"Do you want some more Monster babe?" I grin. "You know me so well." He kisses me and deepens it. A heated make out session turned into something more.


I lay panting on top of him. "So, Monster?" He says with a grin.

Oh shit! "Hey Charly. Could you pass me that red and purple bag?" They hand me my wash bag. "I'm just gonna go to the toilet." I say. Charly stands up and heads to the kitchen. On my way to the bathroom I pass Ethan. "I'm gonna shower and brush my teeth ok babe? I should feel better afterwards."

I slip past him and sit on the toilet seat. Deep breaths.


Oohhh what's gonna happen????? The first four people to comment something random and creative will be included throughout the story. If I pick you give yourself a name and gender/sexuality/pro nouns.

Thank you so so much to everyone reading this. Hey I wanna give my readers a name. What name should I call you guys?

Have a great day!! Xox

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