no one can hear you scream

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Jaes POV

"Wake up fag." Emmas angelic voice pierces my ears, rousing me from my sleep. "Morning to you too." I mumble. Groaning I stretch and wince as I feel a kick at my stomach. "Baby please. I know it's been a long time. I miss your daddy too but I promise, we will get out of here." My calm voice echoes around the barred room and the kicking subsides.

It's been five months since I got dragged out of that van and thrown into here. Everyday they drag me out and question me. I don't know why. They know as much as I do. "You ready for another round?" Emma asks, opening the steel door. I nod. "Why not."

Her soft hands are surprisingly strong and wrench me up of the floor. I wasn't even given a bed, just a blanket and some pillows. I was only given them because I'm pregnant. I should be so lucky. Being dragged by my arm my feet slip and my head bashes into the wall.

I cry out as pain shoots through my head, bouncing around my skull. "Pathetic." Emma spits. Struggling to stand I pull my arm free, using it to swing my fist into her perfect little face. He perfect little face isn't so perfect with a broken nose and blood pouring down it. Smirking, my hands and arms wrap round my stomach, preparing myself for the punches that I know will follow.

Or not. "You seriously think I'm gonna punch your stomach? Are you dumb? I would never hurt an unborn child. I know what it's like to lose a child..." I stare at her incredulously. Instead of leading me straight to interrogation, Emma leads me into a small room. There's two chairs positioned in it and I gratefully sit on one, my feet are killing me!

"I'm gonna tell you a story, then we're gonna act like this never happened, got it?" I snort at her tone but nod. "Ok, three years ago I met a really nice man. His name was Mike. We dated for a while then we got married. We had two children and I was carrying another. Mike got really involved with these guys and it got him killed. Before they killed him I found out what was going on. They beat me and killed our children. I was the only one that survived. I lost our baby in the fight. I never told him that I was expecting. Maybe if I had he wouldn't have come here, maybe he w..woul..." She breaks down right in front of me.

"They promised to keep me alive as long as I did whatever they asked. The worst part is my own brother killed my family. His family. I've never forgiven him and I never will." I just stare at this woman who I thought was so strong and tough, just collapse. This woman is broken and her own family broke her.

"Emma, if you help me get out, I can keep you safe." I tell her. She looks up at me with shiny eyes. "Thank you." Those two words make me know I can trust her. Don't ask me how but...I just can. "Let's go." Emma holds out her hands and helps me up, leading me, not dragging me, to her brother. Here goes nothing.

"Well then. You ready Miss Purdy?" I nod and sit down. Emma doesn't look at me. Instead she shoots Minx  very obvious metaphorical daggers. He ignores her. "I'll ask you again, who has it?"

I start to shake. "I told you. I don't know anything. It's all Jenna, she knows. I swear ask her."

"Jenna's dead."

"Ask Jenna please ju-" a large wooden thing smashes into my face sending me flying off my chair. I fell into darkeness before hitting the floor.

Ethans POV

It's been five months. Five months since Jae said she was off to tell Jayy and Davhie the news. Five months since I called them asking where she was since she didn't answer. Five months since everyone was happy. Five months since I saw my beautiful girlfriend.


"Guys she's not answering." I say. Normally I would be fine 'cause she often goes off and comes back drunk but she can't now. "Call Jayy or Davhie then." Ashley yawns. Clicking on Jayys contact I wait. He answers.


"Is Jae with you?"

"No why? Should she be?"

"She came to tell you she was preganant."

"She's pregnant! Congrats!"

"Thanks. So you haven't seen her?"

"No sorry."

"Ok, thanks. Bye!"

"Guys she's not with them."  I say. Now I'm really worried. "Ethan chill. She'll come home..."

"She'll come home..." yeah sure Ash, she should've been home five months ago! Now he just sits in his room and does fuck all. "It'll be ok Ethan. We'll find her." Charly says. "Thanks Char. I hope so." I bury my face in my hands and groan.

Babe where are you?

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