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Hi! I'm Jenina Melinda Purdy. Fucking hate that! Call me Jae. I'm alternative (DON'T FUCKING CALL ME EMO!) I'm gay. Like full on gay. Like guys have hit on me before and it just ends up in a fight. I'm 16 and I have been living with Black Veil Brides for ten years. You might have heard of my dad, Ashley Purdy.

I have so many uncles it's crazy. I kinda ended up with everyone in PTV and FIR adopting me as well. I thought CC was crazy and then I met Ronnie and just kinda forgot everything I knew about sanity. That was a fun night. Ended up in hospital though... Dad wasn't happy about that.

I still remember some people from my old life but those were dark days. Never again. Yeah I called it my old life. It ain't my life now! Fuck no. I'm happy now so I don't need that. We recently just went on tour!! Luckily (or unluckly) were on tour with Falling In Reverse and D.R.U.G.S so this should be fun!?


A/N so this is just like an intro but what do you think? Do you want me to start the story?

Edit: ew this is cringy af I hate it ew, please go read anyone else's books or my better ones because this is just badly written. I've tried to correct any mistakes but bare with because this is old and I wasn't great at writing or very origional tbh.

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