Dad smash

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Ashley's POV

"I thought I told you to leave me. If you see me ignore me. Fuck off ok? I don't need you. I'm happy here with Charly who I'm dating thanks for asking and caring, and Ronnie who actually treats me like his daughter." Jae's words hurt but I understand her anger.

"They're meant to hurt. Do you understand now?" Jae's question makes me realise I said that out loud. "Yes I do understand Jae. I understand that I let you down. I understand I ignored you. I understand you're pissed off and you have every reason to be. I understand you shouldn't accept my apology. I'm still sorry though. Nice tattoos. Bye" I turn around to walk away but she flings her arms around me.

"Thank you Dad, that's all I needed to hear." Her acceptance makes me smile and I pull her tightly into the hug.

"I love you Jae."

"I love you too Dad." She backs out of the hug and drags me over to Charly? "Charly this is Dad, Dad this is Charly, my..."

"Girlfriend." Charly says. "I'm non binary so they/them pronouns but I will still call myself Jae's girlfriend. It's easier." They giggle and Jae kisses them. "I'll see you later babe but I'll text you and shit. I need to spend some time with these guys." Jae says. Charly nods and kisses her again. "Bye babe" they say.

Jae waves farewell to everyone else and then links her arm through mine. "They seem cute." I muse. Jae elbows me. "Please don't go dadhulk like last time. I don't want to lose Charly." Jae pleads.

"Come get a tattoo with me and I won't do," I lower my voice, "dad smash." Jae giggles whilst I imitate the hulk. "Deal. Let's go find Batman. They are coming too."

Jae's POV

I love it! I have my large wings on my back, my roses, my x, my claw marks and now I have 'love' and 'hate' on my knuckles, I have 'darling you'll be ok.' On my forearm and 21.11.03 on my wrist with the BVB wings below it. The day I got adopted my Ashley Abrockett Purdy. My Dad.

"Thanks Dad! Andy look!" Andy smiles and gives me a high five. I love these guys. "Lets go back, I wanna go play Mario Kart with Ronnie and Jacky." I say. Dad looks upset. "I thought we were gonna spend tome together." He says. "Oh shit of course we are! I just wanna show off my new tattoos and I need to pack. I'll come back later. Is 8 ok?" I ask hopeful. I also make a mental note to call Charly.

"We have a show at 9, so stay with Ronnie for a bit then go with them when they go on, you can go with Charly if you want." Dad suggests.

"Who's Charly?" Andy asks. "My girlfriend," I tell him "but they're non-binary so they/them pronouns." Andy nods. "Show me a picture then." I giggle and show him my lock screen. It's me and Charly at the coffee cart. They're blushing and giggling because I kissed their cheek. "You guys look cute." Andy muses. "They are." Dad says before I can answer.

We walk back to FIR's bus and I say goodbye. "See you later guys. I love you." I kiss and hug them both but give Dad a bigger hug. "I'm so sorry Daddy." I whimper. "It's ok princess." He whispers.

They both leave and I start to pack my bags. "Leaving?" Jacky asks. "Yeah I made up with them. Dad bought me new tattoos as a apology." I show them off proudly. "Wow maybe you guys should fall out more often." Jacky jokes.

"Don't give her ideas." Ronnie warns. "And here I was thinking you liked me." I pout. "Stop pouting." Ronnie says. It annoys him. A lot. "Oh yeah watcha gonna do about it Radke?" I tease, poking my tongue out. Instead of answering we end up in a tickle fight. We includes me, Ronnie, Jacky and Ryan joins in as well.

"You guys are so fucking heavy!" I groan, wriggling out. That's the second time today I've had to escape from under fully grown men. Maybe that's why I'm gay. "Language" Ronnie says. "Kill yourself." I retort walking away. "Fuck you!" He shouts.


"Fucking bitch!"

"Sorry can't hear you over the amount of fucks I don't give."

"Die in a hole!"

"Gladly!" This is how our fights normally go. We don't mean it. At least he doesn't but with me it really depends on my mood.

I leave the guys to untangle themselves and Skype Charly, showing off my tattoos. Ryan comes in to tell me we have to go so I end the call and follow them. Today's been amazing. Hopefully it will get better.

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