We pulled into the almost empty restaurant that wasn't far from my house. They had a drive through, and their food was pretty great. Plus, it was 4:10 a.m., so it wouldn't take long to get our food and go.

We ordered our food, with me deciding on a simple breakfast burrito with hot cocoa. It was only early October, but it was beginning to become cold in the mornings. Plus, I only really liked coffee when it was mixed with a bunch of milk and sugar, and occasionally vanilla creamer.

As we waited, I plugged my headphones into my phone and turned on some music. The sun wasn't close to rising yet, so it was pretty boring all around.

We got our food, paid, and drove away. I slowly nibbled on my food as I listened to my music, trying to keep myself from falling asleep.

My legs were beginning to get cold, as my cotton candy pink skirt didn't offer much warmth. So, I placed my piping hot cocoa between my thighs. The relief was almost instant.

The Fray began playing in my ears, so I turned it up a little bit.

The next thing I was aware of was my mother waking me up at the airport. Damn it.

"We're here, honey." She smiled at me. I nodded.

Thanks to my legs and the fact that it was practically boiling when they handed it to me, my cocoa was still kind of warm. I began to sip on it as I grabbed my suitcases and walked towards the massive airport.

I could count on one hand the number of times I had been on a plane, and on two hands how old I was when I did. Being seventeen, I shouldn't have been scared of them. But I was.

It was six in the morning, but the sun was still not rising. Oh well. Maybe I could watch the sunrise to calm my nerves.

"Are you excited, Luke?" Tyler questioned after I watched a plane take off. It was fun to watch, but I didn't want to be inside of one.

"I'm scared of planes." I mumbled, still not fully awake.

"It'll be alright. You know, you're more likely to die on the way to the airport than you are in a plane." He smiled.

"That doesn't really help when you're going down. You're a lot more likely to survive a car crash than a plane crash." I chuckled.

"I guess you're right." He nodded.

I nodded back as I sipped my cocoa.

The air inside the airport was cold as well, unfortunately. And my cocoa was turning cold fast, though I was only halfway done. We had three hours until our plane would be leaving, and only two until we could be board.

"Do you want to go to the McDonald's they have here?" My mom suggested. I nodded, taking gulps of my hot cocoa on the way.

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