Calum was driving, and I wasn't quite sure where we were going. I used the time to my advantage, finally pulling out the note from earlier and unfolding it.


Hey. Sorry this is short, I'm running late. Just a reminder that I think you're absolutely beautiful, and amazing. I'd love for you to be mine. But I'm sure you don't feel the same. Plus, there's more complications...

Much love x

"What's it say?" Calum wondered.

I read it out loud to him before putting it back in my binder.


I got home from practice a little later than usual. It was a little past six. My mom was cooking.

"Hey, honey. Do you have classes tonight?" She wondered.

"No. Just Tuesdays and Thursdays." I responded. She nodded.

"What's for dinner?" I questioned.

"Meatloaf." She told me. I nodded before going upstairs to my bedroom.

I pulled out the paper from earlier, choosing to work on our project a bit.

My phone went off with a text, which I decided to check. It turned out to be Ashton checking on me. I told him that I was fine before continuing to write the first few sentences. They had to be perfect, and they had to be something that could easily hold the attention of a very young child.

My mind drifted to the note I had received earlier. They were right, I didn't feel the same. I only liked one person; Ashton. He had my heart. I knew it hurt to love someone who didn't love you back, so I felt a little bad. But what did this person mean by "other complications"? I wasn't dating anybody..

I sighed, shifting my focus back to the book. By the time dinner was done, I had the first three pages perfected. They just needed to be approved by everyone else. I had a feeling that Ashton, Luna, and Michael were still mad at me for what I had said. So, it would be a little difficult to gain their approval. Maybe not Ashton, but definitely Luna and Michael. They were a bit immature, and I was almost certain that they would use their grudge against me and say it sucked. Ashton and Calum would be truthful, though. I knew that I could always count on that.

"Tyler likes my hair curled." My mom told me as we were eating. I smiled; I was so glad that she was finding someone who made her happy.

"It's pretty." I agreed with the co-worker that I hadn't even met. She beamed.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She said. I nodded.

"How are things with that boy you like? Asher or something?" She asked. She had a slight issue with remembering things, but she really did try.

"They're the same as usual. He's still dating that girl." I shrugged.

"How's the project?" She wondered.

"He's supposed to help with the PowerPoint when we're ready. But, most of the group is mad at me right now." I admitted. She frowned softly.


"Just some dumb argument we had." I responded. She nodded.

"So, where will you be working on this PowerPoint?" She questioned.

"Probably here, if that's okay."

"Of course." She beamed.

We ate the rest of our food as we talked about things, mostly her date on Saturday and how my weekend with my father would go. I even told her about the notes that had been appearing in my locker. She wanted to see them, so I took her to my room after we finished.

"Okay, there's three." I told her. She nodded, and I pulled them out of the drawer before handing them to her. She unfolded the first one, her eyes scanning the paper as she read.

I sat next to her. Both of us were silent as she soaked up the words that were so neatly written on the blue lines. She was giggling and grinning. After several minutes, she finished all three of them.

"Luke, this is adorable!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"I guess." I chuckled, putting the notes back where they belonged.

"My baby has a secret admirer! You know, Jack did this for Stacy back in high school." She gushed. Stacy was my older brother, Jack's, fiance. I smiled, because he didn't seem like the type to do things like that.

"That's cute." I commented.

"Yeah!" She agreed.

"What about Ben; did he have any cute experiences?" I wondered.

"Not really." She answered. Of course not.

"You don't have any idea who it could be?" She asked after a moment. I shook my head.

"That sucks. Oh, I hope it's Asher." She said.

"Ashton." I corrected softly. "And it's not, he's got a girlfriend."

"Sorry. Ashton, Ashton, Ashton. And yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything." She stated. I shrugged, not believing that Ashton would be with someone if he didn't love them.

"I'm just saying. I had several boyfriends, but none of them stuck. It was because I had feelings for your father. He could like you, Luke. Really. You're amazing; he'd be crazy not to." She told me. I smiled.

"Thanks, mom."

"No problem, dear." She replied. She stood up, stretching quickly before placing a light kiss to my forehead.

"I'm going to clean my room. I'll let you get back to your homework or whatever." She told me. I nodded and she left.

I decided that three pages was enough for the day, so I started my history essay instead. Luckily, I loved writing essays. So, I finished it quickly. It still needed to be typed, but that could wait. I had until Friday to turn it in.

As I went through my binder, I sighed. I needed my mother to sign a form for my child development class that said I could get one of those mechanical babies. Our class would have them for two weeks. We still weren't getting them until a week and a half later, but I needed to turn in the slip by Friday as well.

I took it downstairs.

"Mom, can you sign this? It's for those mechanical babies." I explained. She agreed, grabbing a pen and writing her neat signature on it.

"Thanks." I said before going back to my bedroom.

The only thing on my mind that night as I attempted to sleep was Ashton.

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