"Ready?" My dad asked after the game on Friday. Emma was next to him, grasping his hand as she was only five.

"Give me a minute." I replied, looking for Calum. He was talking to Ashton and Luna, and Michael was next to him.

I walked over to them, entering on a conversation about the game and how the cheerleaders almost dropped a flyer.

"Hey, Luke." Ashton smiled at me.

"Hey." I replied. He studied my outfit, which was tight, black leggings and a tight red top.

"Where's your dad?" Michael questioned.

"He's probably coming over here. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be working on the project a bit this weekend, but I won't finish it. I want to spend time with my sister." I said.

"Okay. I'll work on the pictures. Luna, do you want to do any? We need four so far." Calum asked.

"No." Luna replied.

"I'm going to go. Bye, guys." I told them before leaving.

"How have you been?" My dad asked when we were in the car.

"Good. How have you been?" I replied.

"Fine. We think Iris is pregnant." He told me.

I smiled.

"You're getting old, dad. Stop having babies." I joked.

"Yeah, I am." He giggled.

"Do you guys want to get food?" My dad asked Emma and me. We agreed to stop at McDonald's.

"Luke, are you living with us?" Emma asked from the backseat. She asked me the same question every time I went to my father's for a visit.

"No, but I'm staying the weekend." I told her.

"Yay!" She cheered. I beamed. She was so adorable.

"She really loves you, Luke. You should come visit more often." My dad commented.

"I'm sorry. I really am busy a lot. I've got dance and schoolwork." I sighed.

"I know, and I'm proud. I know you've got high grades and I'm glad you're dedicated to dance." He told me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

We pulled up to a McDonald's and joined the line of cars at the drive through. Emma and I told our dad our orders and he told the girl that was working.

I was asleep when we arrived at my dad's house. It was close to midnight.

"I'll grab Emma." I volunteered, swinging my bag over my shoulder as I got out of the car.

I picked Emma up and carried her into the house. I greeted my brothers and step mom before I carried her to her bedroom. When I laid her in bed, I gently kissed her forehead before tucking the My Little Pony blanket around her.

I walked into the living room, seeing my brothers in the couch. Family Guy was playing on the TV. I assumed that my father and step mother had gone to bed.

"Hey, losers." I greeted them.

"Hey, Luke. We missed you." Ben replied.

"I missed you guys, too." I answered, plopping down in the comfortable recliner.

"How's dance and school been?" Jack asked.

I shrugged.

"Any crushes yet?" Ben pressed. Last time I visited my dad and siblings, they asked me about crushes. At the time, I was barely starting to see Ashton that way, so I said no.

I blushed a bit.

"No." I lied.

"Luke, you're blushing." Jack chuckled.

"Shut up." I said.

They laughed and I rolled my eyes playfully. I loved how close I was to all three of my siblings, even if Emma was only my half sister. I really did miss them when I was gone, but I was too busy to visit more than once every two months or so.

"Halloween is coming up." Jack mentioned.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Do you have your costume chosen?" He questioned.

"I think I'll be an angel." I replied.

"Ironic." Ben scoffed. I chuckled with them.

"What about you guys?" I wondered.

They informed me that Jack was dressing as Jack Skellington, while his girlfriend was dressing as Sally. Ben was dressing as a zombie. They were going to a Halloween party, just like I was.

I had my costume planned. It was a tight, white dress that only went a couple inches below my ass. It was paired with a halo, wings, the right makeup, glittery nails, and white sandals that sparkled.

"What's Emma being?" I questioned.

"Rainbow Dash. She's obsessed with My Little Pony." Jack stated. I smiled. She had first discovered My Little Pony when she was three and she watched an old rerun of it. Ever since then, she absolutely loved it. She had been Fluttershy for her previous Halloween, and the little dragon sidekick or whatever when she was three.

"Iris is pregnant." Ben said.

"Yeah, dad told me." I answered.

"Emma's the only one who doesn't know yet. They're hoping for a boy, since Iris hasn't ever had a boy. I think dad secretly wants another girl, though." He informed me. I nodded. It made sense; if they had a boy, he'd have four boys and one girl. Emma would probably want a sister, anyway. I started hoping for them to have a girl.

We sat in silence for another episode of Family Guy. My mind was starting to drift to Ashton again, so I stood up and stretched.

"I'm going to bed. Night, losers." I said.

"Night." They both replied.

I walked upstairs to the room I had reserved at my father's house, gently closing the door behind me.

I changed into my red, velvet feeling shorts and a black tank top before brushing my teeth in the attached bathroom.

After turning my ceiling fan on and the light off, I curled up under the giant blanket.

Was Luna still mad at Ashton?

I began to imagine awful scenarios. They were morally wrong, and I was sure Ashton would never sneak around behind Luna's back. Even when she was being an absolute bitch for no reason. Still, it didn't stop me from thinking about him. His lips, the way they would feel on my neck or even other parts of my body. They way his moan and whimpers would sound, the way he would be a bit sweaty and out of breath as he fucked me...

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