"Okay, guys! Let's do this one more time!" My drill team instructor, Melody chirped. She started the music and we went through our new hip hop routine once more. At the end, she grinned.

"Look at you guys! It's only Tuesday, and you've got it down! Tomorrow, we'll finish cleaning it up and then Thursday, we could go over it a couple times then you can go early. Friday is the pep rally and football game!" She planned our week out.

We all smiled and began talking to each other, looking forward to the game. We always performed at pep rallies and football games.

"Okay, you're all free to go!" She announced.

We all grabbed our things before leaving.

"Luke!" Someone called. I turned around to see who it was. When I saw that it was Ethan, the only other boy on the team, I smiled.

"Hey." I replied as he caught up to me.

"Hey, what's up?" He questioned.

"Nothing." I stated.

"What are you doing later?" He wondered.

"I have to go to my dance classes at that studio at seven." I answered.

"Oh." He sighed.


It was quiet for a minute.

"Why do you dance so much? You do the team here, but then you go to extra classes and stuff after school." He chuckled.

"I want to be a dancer." I shrugged. He nodded.

"Makes sense, I guess." He commented. I smiled softly.

"Okay, I'll let you go. Have fun at your classes." He said before leaving.

I got in my car and drove the fifteen minute drive to my house.

When I arrived, my mom was cleaning up the kitchen.

"Hey, mom." I greeted her.

"Hey. How was school and practice?" She wondered.

"Good. How was work?" I asked.

"It was wonderful! Remember the co-worker? The cute one?" She was very perky, which made me happy.

I thought for a second, trying to remember his name.


"Yes!" She exclaimed. I smiled.

"What about him?"

"We have a date on Saturday." She beamed.

"Nice. Be safe." I giggled. She smiled.

I loved seeing my mother happy.

"Your classes start at seven, right?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied. It was nearing six. Practice wasn't even released until 5:30.

"Okay. Make sure you have some kind of snack before. We'll get pizza or something after I pick you up. When do you get out?" She asked.

"8:30." I answered.

"Okay." She said.

I left to my room so that I could get ready. I pulled off my light blue skinny jeans and maroon t shirt. After a moment of looking through my clothes, I settled on  some black leggings and a periwinkle tank top.

At 6:30, I pulled on some shoes, grabbed my dance bag, and we left. On the way, I ate a chocolate chip muffin.

"8:30?" My mom checked as I got out of the car.

"Yes." I confirmed. She nodded.

"I love you." She told me.

"I love you too." I replied before closing the door and walking towards the dance studio.

My mother and I lived alone in our house. Her and my father had gotten a divorce, though everyone was still on good terms. My two brothers, Jack and Ben, lived with our dad. My step mom, Iris, had a daughter with my dad. Her name was Emma.

I chose to stay with my mom because we were closer than my father and I. My brothers were closer to my dad. We all saw each other on holidays and other visits, so it was fine.

I walked into the massive dance room, instantly being greeted by the people that were there. I wasn't close friends with any of them, but we were all friendly.

"Hey, guys." I beamed, setting my bag in the corner of the room.

It wasn't too long until the rest of us arrived and the class started. We stretched before anything else, with upbeat music playing in the background.


I sighed as I got in the car. The class had just been released.

"How was it?" She questioned.

"It was fun." I replied.

"That's good. I called the pizza order in thirty minutes ago, so it should be ready. Could you run in and get it when we get there?" She questioned.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Thank you." She replied. She had a slight problem with social anxiety, so I usually did these kinds of things for her. It was no problem, honestly. I just kind of felt bad, because she didn't deserve to have that kind of issue.

Just then, Shape of You by Ed Sheeran came on. We sang along to the words as she drove. The pizza place wasn't far, so we had barely finished the song when we arrived.

I got out and went into the Pizza Hut. Upon entering, I recognized Luna behind the counter.

"Hey, Luke!" She exclaimed.

"Hey." I replied.

"Did you just get out of your dance class?" She questioned.

"Yeah." I replied. She nodded, checking the time.

"My mom sent me in to get the order she called in." I added. She nodded.

"Liz?" She made sure. I nodded.

I paid and she handed me the food.

"Thanks. Enjoy work." I chuckled.

"I get off in an hour." She beamed.

We said bye and I left.

"So, your dad wants you to go to his house this weekend." My mom informed me once we started driving. My dad lived two hours away from us.

"Oh? Am I going?" I asked.

"It's up to you. I don't care." She replied.

"Will you be okay alone?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I've got that date with Tyler on Saturday. Maybe I'll just chill on Sunday. I'll watch something on Netflix all day." She shrugged.

"Okay. I'll go." I nodded.

"Alright. He's picking you up from the football game on Friday, and taking you to his house. He'll bring you home on Sunday night." She told me.

"Okay." I replied.

When we got home, we ate before I showered and went to sleep.

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