As soon as we got into English, I noticed that Michael and Calum were sitting several rows away from where we usually sat, but there was only a couple of rows in between them. I pretended to not even see them as I took my seat.

Ashton sat next to me.

"Well, I think I was right about the group thing." He commented. I nodded as he slid our desks together.

I glanced back at Calum, who was laughing with a boy named James. Tears immediately began to form in my eyes, so I pretended to be fixing my cotton candy pink skirt so that nobody would notice. Unfortunately, a couple of tears escaped my eyes, and Ashton saw them.

"Luke, don't worry about him. He's stupid." Ashton told me. I looked up at him.

"He was my best friend, Ash." I said.

"I'm sure he'll come around." He gave me a small smile. I shook my head.

"I seriously fucked up." I replied. Ashton hugged me tightly, which made me feel a little bit better. I stopped crying after a few minutes.

Luna came in at the last second, plopping down next to Michael across the room.

"Everything will be okay, one way or another." He told me. I shrugged, pulling everything we needed to work on the project out.

Both of us were too distracted to really work, so we only really got one page done. We probably could ha finished the entire book if we were really trying, but neither of us seemed too bothered about our lack of effort.

The rest of the day, I dragged myself through my classes, barely staying awake and close to a breakdown all day. I didn't get a lot of work done for any of my classes.

At the end of each class, I informed the teacher that I'd be out for a week and a half and requested my work for those days. The stack of papers and packets I received was stressing me out more and more as it grew, despite me having a week and a half to complete them.

By the time I got to drill practice, I just wanted to go home. I didn't really want to dance for two hours. I was exhausted, physically and emotionally drained, still upset, and I needed a nap.

"Okay guys, we're learning a new routine this week!" The instructor chirped, accompanied by comments, cheers, and groans.

We learned a nice, upbeat routine that I could barely force myself to do. After practice, I informed her of my upcoming absences.

"Aw, that sucks. I had something planned for you next week." She frowned.

"I could still try to do it. We'll be back on Friday morning." I stated.

"I don't know; it's a stunt. You'll be lifted and then flip over." She informed me.

"We could work on it Friday before the game." I suggested.

"Okay." She smiled. I smiled back before we said our goodbyes and I left.

My mom was in the kitchen making something when I got home. I walked in and was slightly startled when I saw a man with black hair and a stud in his eyebrow and his right ear.

"Luke, this is Tyler. Tyler, this is my son, Luke. He enjoys being... feminine." She introduced us. I frowned, because I didn't like the titles masculine and feminine. Clothes, makeup, nail polish, everything was just a thing. Nothing should be labeled as for boys or for girls by society, people should just enjoy whatever the hell they want.

"Hello, Luke. I like the color of your nails." He complimented me as I shook his hand. My nails were freshly done a matte navy blue.

"Thank you. I like your piercings." I smiled.

"Thanks." He replied. I nodded.

"Luke, why don't you go start packing your things? We're leaving at four in the morning." She suggested. The airport was almost two hours away, and we would need to get through security and everything.

"Okay. Is your stuff all packed?" I asked.

"Yeah. Tyler and I packed our things while you were at school. What time is your dance class?" She wondered.

"Seven. I get out at nine." I responded.

"That's so late." She sighed.

"I could drive myself there and home. I know you like to do it, but it's just this once. That way, you can go to bed and get enough sleep. Besides, it's already 5:30 and you seem pretty busy." I offered.

"Okay. Dinner will be done in half an hour. I'm making homemade lasagna and garlic bread." She told me.

"Okay." I nodded before going up to my room.

I pulled out my black suitcases, one large and one small. The smaller one was my carry on.

I needed eleven different outfits, which I hadn't planned out before. I regretted not choosing them sooner, because I knew that it would take me a while to get them perfect and I only had an hour until I had to leave.

I knew that I definitely didn't want skirts every day, so I chose a nice variety of jeans, shorts, sweatpants, yoga pants, leggings, and skirts. I picked out shirts, hoodies, and sweaters to match them all. I also packed my leather jacket and my softer one. I packed underwear, socks, and a few different pairs of shoes. Next was my laptop and its charger, along with some other things I was sure I'd need.

My mom called me to dinner before I had a chance to start packing my smaller suitcase. I walked downstairs, got my food, and sat across from her. Tyler sat next to her.

"So, Luke, you're a dancer." Tyler mentioned. I shrugged.

"I want to be professional one day." I replied.

"Well, I'm sure you'll make it. I haven't seen you dance before, but you're so dedicated. I'm sure you're wonderful." He told me. I smiled, which was probably my first real smile all day. It had been such a long, stressful, exhausting day.

"Thank you." I beamed. He nodded.

My mom smiled at him before taking another bite of her lasagna. Both of us were glad that things were working out with Tyler.

Once we finished eating, I quickly changed into grey leggings and a loose pink t shirt. I slipped on some vans before grabbing my keys and leaving.

I wasn't exactly thrilled to go to dance class. Obviously, I loved it. But I was just so exhausted and so tired. Plus, I still had a lot to do. It was discouraging to think about.

I just wanted to go to bed.

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