The next morning, the smell of waffles and bacon pulled me out of bed. I walked downstairs to find Iris had just finished cooking.

"Luke!" Emma exclaimed, jumping out of her seat and hugging me tightly.

"Hey, Emma." I smiled, hugging her back.

"I made food." Iris told me. I got some before joining her and Emma at the table.

"Mama, I want some coffee." Emma cheekily said.

"Sweetie, you're energetic enough." Iris replied. Emma pouted, and I giggled.

My dad had taken Jack and Ben shopping, as Iris told me. They would have taken me, but they didn't want to wake me up. I was grateful for that.

"I think he wants to take you somewhere later. Just the two of you. And then tonight, he wants us all to go see a movie and go out to dinner." She added. I nodded.

"That sounds fun." I replied.


We finished eating and I decided to take a long shower. I started the water, taking a minute to allow it to get hot as I gathered my things. After getting to my shower playlist, I hit shuffle.

I slowly stripped, adjusted the temperature of the water, and got in. I didn't do anything but let the hot water soak me for the first song, but then I lathered shampoo into my hair. After rinsing it out, I massaged in some conditioner.

I started quietly singing along to Remembering Sunday by All Time Low as I shaved my legs. They were getting a bit stubbly, which wouldn't work well with my skirts, shorts, and dresses. I finish shaving the rest of my body before washing the conditioner out of my hair. I washed my body next.

Once I was done, I didn't feel like getting out. So, I danced around and let the shower water sprinkle down on my body for about ten more minutes. Eventually, I grew bored of my activities. That's when I decided to get out, dry off, and dress in some yoga pants and an oversized, plain white t shirt.

When I got back into my room, I decided to stretch. I put some socks on, to prevent rug burn on my feet, and started doing our normal dancer's stretches. I turned some music on quietly, as I absolutely hated silence.

It was an hour and a half later when my dad knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened and he peeked his head in. I had just finished stretching, but I still had music on. Drunk by Ed Sheeran was softly playing from my phone. My dad stepped fully in.

"Hey, can you be ready at three? The movie starts at five, but we told Emma we'd take her to that new Disney store that opened up. She's been wanting to go for a while. Ben and Jack, too. And Iris and I thought that you'd love it." He explained.

I checked the time; it was 1:45.

"Yeah, I can do that." I smiled.

"Thank you." He said before leaving, gently closing the door behind him.

I sighed, getting up and walking over to my closet. I kept clothes at both of my parents' houses, though the majority of them were kept at my mother's since that's where I lived and typically stayed. After pawing through the rack, I chose a pair of light blue jean shorts, a black spaghetti strap tank top, and a red and black flannel. I changed before grabbing my makeup bag.

My bedroom door suddenly burst open, causing me to jump and drop the bag. Emma came running in and jumped on my bed.

"Hey." I beamed at her.

"Hey, Luke." She giggled.

"What's up, hon?" I questioned, sitting down in front of the giant mirror that my white vanity held.

"Are you going to the Disney store with us? And to the movies and dinner?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I answered. It was a good thing Iris drove a car with eight seats.

"Yay!" Emma cheered.

"Emma?" My dad called.

Emma immediately burrowed herself under my blankets after putting a finger over her lips, a signal that told me to keep quiet. Uh oh.

I heard my dad's footsteps coming up the stairs as I started putting on my foundation.

"Is Emma in here?" My dad asked. I opened my mouth to talk, but Emma's giggles rang through the room. Still, we decided to play along.

"No, I haven't seen her." I replied.

"Are you sure?" My dad came into my room, slowly making his way towards the bed.

"Positive." I smiled.

"Then what's in here?" He chuckled, pulling the blanket back. Emma giggled wildly as our dad began tickling her sides.

I chuckled before turning my attention back to my makeup.

"Let's go get you ready." My dad said.

"I want a piggy back ride!" Emma exclaimed.

"Okay." My dad agreed. He crouched down and helped my younger sister onto his back.

"Bye, Luke!" Emma chimed.

"Bye." I laughed. They left, once again closing my door. I applied some light eyeshadow to my eyes before putting on eyeliner with a small wing, mascara, pink lipstick, and highlight.

"Luke, hurry!" Ben called. Though Iris was usually the last one to finish getting ready, that day it was me.

"Coming!" I called back. I slipped on some black socks and my white converse. Before I left, I got my rose decorated wallet and my phone and closed my bedroom door.

We piled into Iris' car, with me taking the very back row to myself. Even though I had long legs and I was fairly tall, it was comfortable.

"How far away is the Disney store?" Emma questioned.

"Not very far. Ten minutes." Iris answered. Emma nodded, though ten minutes likely felt like an entire century and a half to her.

Iris pulled out and my dad turned up the radio. Good For You by Selena Gomez was on, and Emma began singing along. Well, more like spitting out whatever noises and words went along with it, but it was still adorable. I really hoped that Iris had another girl.

It really wasn't long until we arrived at the Disney store. When I stepped inside, it was almost cold. I grinned, though, because there was Disney stuff literally everywhere. We all kind of broke off, except for the fact that Emma stayed with Jack. I picked out a stuffed version of Marie from the Aristocats, then browsed around.

My mother loved Beauty and the Beast, so I found myself buying her a big, very fluffy blanket with Beast and Belle dancing in the ballroom on it. I picked out a couple movies for Emma.

When we left, I checked my phone again.

I had a text from Ashton.

"Can I call and talk to you?"

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