4 || I Should've Kissed You

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Evie's POV

"That was the craziest thing I've ever done in my whole life," I gasped the moment we got back on the boat.

Harry dried his hair with a towel and handed me another clean one. "Please tell me you didn't regret it, because if you did, we seriously can't be friends anymore."

"It was wild but..." I said. "I definitely loved it. That was one hell of an adrenaline rush I got there."

"Right?" he said enthusiastically, "Oh god, I live for these things. Don't get me wrong. It's not like all I do is jump off cliffs everyday or something. I just love trying something new and exciting everyday, you know? I'm really a firm believer of living life to the fullest."

"Good for you," I smiled as I squeezed water out of the ends of my hair. "I admire people like that. Probably because I'm the complete opposite."

Harry winked before sitting next to me. "Hang around me more often and you'll become as crazy as me."

"You are incredibly right," I laughed. "Look what you just made me do today."

"You look extra cute when you laugh," he said softly. "It's like your eyes disappear and all of a sudden you're just full of life."

I brushed my arm on his, feeling a little tingle in my spine. "You made me really happy today."

"You sure about that? Because if I remember correctly, you were yelling at me like more than half of the time," he smirked.

"I know, I know," I admitted with a guilty look on my face. "You win. I should have just trusted you that you were about to give me the ultimate thrill of my life."

Harry's cheekbones started to quiver as he snickered, "Oh wow, Evie. That wasn't my intention at all. Don't make it sound so sexual."

"Hey, that's not what I meant at all!" I snapped, trying my best not to laugh, even though my face made it quite clear.

"Alriiiighhht," he laughed, "Let's just save the sexual jokes for later on. Definitely not so proper on the first date."

I opened my mouth, giving him a teasing smile. "Who even said this was a date?"

"Well, today was definitely better than any date I've been on, that's for sure," he grinned.

There was complete silence for a few seconds. All I knew that moment was that we were staring into each other's eyes, just inches away from each other's faces.

Harry started to lean forward, his lips so close to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my face as he started to move closer.

I bit my lip and then stepped back. I shouldn't be doing this. I had a boyfriend who was waiting for me back in our apartment. My hands started to shake as I managed to spit out the stupidest thing.

"Um... Harry?"

"Yes?" he whispered, still looking at my lips.

"I'm.... hungry."

All of a sudden, Harry burst into soft chuckles.

"You know what Evie?" he grinned. "You never cease to amaze me in your own little ways."

I felt my cheeks burn.

I'm hungry? Who the fuck says that right before a kiss?

Noticing my frozen and awkward state, he took my hand and led me down to the first compartment of his yacht. "I'm actually hungry too, Evie. Do you want to make some sandwiches with me?"

I nodded and forced out a smile, "That sounds good."

"Okay," he said, leading me to his little kitchen. "Then maybe we can bring out the food to the beach and eat by the shore?"

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