T W O ~ Lana Clarke

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 T W O ~ Lana Clarke

 This had to be the worst day ever.

 I was running late for little Rachel's 5th birthday, I still needed to pick up the dresses at the dry cleaners, my hair was a mess and now, I was stuck in traffic. What more could go wrong? As much as I loved my job, rush hour was killing me right now. How I got this job was kind of a long story, but to cut things short, my love for the beloved childhood classic Disney was what made me who I am today. I would become the roles of Cinderella, Belle, and everyone's favorite little mermaid, Ariel.

 Could this traffic move any quicker? Finally cutting through the fish of cars, I ran out my parked car as fast as I could to get my newly cleaned dresses. It was a dream come true becoming a princess almost every day of the week, but even princesses get tired sometimes. Thanking Wilma for her reliable cleaning services, I ran back to my car for work, to change and head off again.

  As I was driving, I practiced a few notes. Embarrassing as it was, I couldn't go to a party as a princess with a cracking voice. It would scare the poor children away.

 I hoped Maryann won't attack me again for being late. It was really the swarm of cars' faults. Rapidly grabbing the two dresses and mermaid's outfit, I ran my fingers through my once tangled hair but ended up stumbling on the curb. I was lucky that no one saw and rushed through the automatic sliding doors.

 Catching my breath, I managed to yell out, "Maryann, I'm so sorry! I came to pick up the dresses at the dry cleaners and it ended up being so traffic!"

 Except, I didn't see Maryann in her usual spot. She was being covered by three tall figures. Those three athletic-built figures turned my direction hearing my voice, and that's when I got the feeling of familiarity. Blurting my thoughts out loud, Maryann revealed that the boys were looking for me.

 And that "ah-ha!" moment happened.

 They were from my graduating class: Elliot Wesley, Julian Cooper, and Preston Daniels.

 What were they doing here? Not really in the right mood to be asking questions, my mind was trying to focus on getting to that party! However, I didn't want to appear as a messed up person — I already went through that during high school. What made me shiver was seeing them stare at me like that. It's like they've never seen me before.

 Actually, that did sound reasonable.

 Walking to Maryann to hand her my check in card, I asked polite as could be, "What can I do for you three?"

 Instead of a decent reply, it was like a cat got all their tongues. Something was definitely wrong. Three guys, who were considered the "best looking" from your old high school, never show up at your work every day. Especially since we've gone our separate ways after graduation. That's when Elliot Wesley cleared his throat. 

 I remember his tousled short hair matching his deep brown eyes that all the girls would craze about. His sun kissed tan deemed his armor since Elliot was the swim captain of our high school and carried various trophy titles. At most high schools, basketball or football was considered the top sports, but leave it to Elliot Wesley to make swim popular.

 Elliot soon stated the obvious that we all sure did go to the same school together a year ago. Still, I put on a smile and waited for whatever was about to come next.

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