Eli Wesley - T W E N T Y F I V E

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  • Dedicated to all my wonderful readers

© an affiniteas 2012-2013 ink on Wattpad

Eli Wesley - T W E N T Y F I V E

I didn't have to think twice about going to the hospital.

After speaking to whoever was on the phone — which I assumed to be some nurse — I already pulled out of the parking lane and zoomed away. This was either a good sign or a bad sign. Either way, it was better than being suffocated in the same perimeter with Haley Jones. As I was driving, texts from Haley would pop up from my cellphone screen. I concluded not to bother. Looking back was not an option.

Once I made it to the hospital and was instructed which floor to go up to, I was soon poking my head slightly from the door where Mr. Clarke was residing. He appeared to be sound asleep on his hospital bed with the monitor beeping in a consistent pace. A clear tubing occupied Mr. Clarke's nose which I assumed assisted him with his breathing. Seeing Lana's dad in this condition caused my stomach to twist uneasily. 

The sudden, unconscious fear stated to run within me. 

Did Mr. Clarke call me over because he heard what happened to Lana and was upset? My voice involuntarily shook. 

"Mr. Clarke?"

I was doing a great job being confident.

As soon as Mr. Clarke heard my call, his eyelids slowly opened. Remembering how Lana wouldn't let me see her dad anymore, I now understood why. Mr. Clarke looked so fragile that it sent chills up my spine. His appearance drastically changed from his sunken cheeks to his tired, blue eyes. Mr. Clarke gazed upon me briefly before acknowledging my presence with a faint grin. The grin was welcoming, but even smiling appeared to be draining the energy out of him.  

Taking this as a sign to walk in, my first action was to shove my hands in my front pockets since I thought that it would deem presentable at the time.

"Mr. Clarke, you called? How are you doing?"

His voice sounded slightly strained.

"I'm getting adjusted. Take the seat right here, son."

Following his request, I reached over and lifted the chair to a reasonable distance between Mr. Clarke's bedside. Mr. Clarke was carefully eyeing the injury by my mouth proudly marked by Landon Clarke. 

"I hope you've been taking care of your cut. I apologize that my son did that to you." 

The bruising did swell down, and all that was really left was the healing cut which my mom continuously forced to put some ointment on. I can say that it wasn't as bad as before, but it was still a marking of my stupidity.  

Shaking my head, I reassured him, "It's not his fault, I deserved it. It's getting better though."  

As I sat there, it took a lot of strength to face Mr. Clarke and look at him in the eyes because I felt so guilty. I hurt his daughter, my girlfriend, Lana. I couldn't take back what happened. Flashbacks of that moment would scar my sight. I closed my eyes temporarily before bringing myself back to reality.

Instead of Lana's dad speaking, I found myself blurting out of impulse, "Mr. Clarke, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I didn't mean to hurt Lana. It was never my intention to hurt her. I'm an idiot — I know that, but I never wanted any of this to happen. Lana doesn't deserve it, and I don't deserve someone as remarkable as her. It's all my fault, and I take full blame. But please understand that I do care about her." 

I took a deep breath and finished, "I had to get that out. I'm ready for what you need to say." 

Mr. Clarke had adjusted his bed upright, so he would be sitting. After listening, he studied me while I tried to hide my clenched fists, wondering what in the world he was thinking about. 

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