T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ Lana Clarke

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  • Dedicated to all who made it till the very end <3

T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ Lana Clarke

 The way my brother's blue eyes grew in disbelief once he heard my plans for today made me want to second guess my decision.

 "You're seeing Eli today?" Landon choked up since he was midway of swallowing his steamed vegetables.

 Looking back, I nodded before I picked up a carton of lemonade from the refrigerator. Twisting the lid open, I poured the drink into a glass cup to my liking.

 "Yeah, he wanted to meet up. Why are you are so surprised?"

 My older brother shrugged in return and continued on eating his lunch. I wasn't buying his simple answer. When I pressed on about the reason for his surprised gesture, Landon gazed back up at me, and a teasing grin surfaced on his face. 

 "I just wanted to say 'it's about time', but you'd probably throw your spoon at me."

 "Probably," I countered as I held in my laughter.

 As I sat on the bar stool across from my brother, we sat there silently as we focused on our food and drink. The only sounds were munching or clanking whenever I placed the glass cup down onto the marble stone countertop. Staring down at my cup, I continuously thought about what could possibly happen today. 

 "Your lemonade isn't going to drink itself," my brother pointed out.

 Losing my train of thought, I focused my attention back on Landon who was getting up from his seat to head over to the sink. Landon had his back turned away from me as he washed the dishes.

 "Are you going to be okay?" he questioned in a quiet voice.

 "What do you mean?"


 I sighed.

 "Honestly, I don't know. I haven't seen Eli in months, and now, everything about Eli comes back into my life. It's all so sudden."

 Shutting the faucet off, Landon flipped around to face me. He leaned against the counter with folded arms.

 "I have a feeling it won't be as bad as you think."

 And my brother left it as that. 

 Landon informed me that he would be getting ready for his afternoon shift at the auto shop, leaving me there in confusion. My brother seemed optimistic about my upcoming day with Eli. Not really looking into that notion, I quickly finished up my glass of lemonade before hopping into the shower to get ready.

 Rummaging through my closet to find something to wear, I couldn't decide. It was ridiculous because of my determination to figure out the right outfit. In the end, there was only a pile of clothes and no outfit. Walking back to the pile, I finally settled with a light weight maroon blouse and black jeans. As I was throwing on my blouse, I heard two knocks from my bedroom door.

 "Hey, I'm heading out. You'll be okay here?" Landon's muffled voice asked from the closed door.

 I laughed a bit.

 "Yeah, I'll be safe in my own room. I'll see you later."

 I heard him chuckle.

 "Okay, Ms. Sarcasm. Tell Eli I said hi. Take care, Lana."

 "I learned from the best. You too," I countered with a grin even though he couldn't see it.

 Releasing my nearly dried hair from the bun I made earlier, it created soft waves which I was satisfied with. While I attended my mirror, my eyes caught the photo of my parents I taped onto it. Giving them a smile, my fingers grazed the photo of them together. Missing my parents still remained. 

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