~Chapter 35~

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Adrien came back, with a small smile on his face, as he swung his  jacket over his shoulder, and closed the door behind him.

"How was it?" I asked, lifting my head from the sketches on my page, and closing the notebook.

He sat down on one of the chairs, placing his elbows on the table, and resting his chin in the palms of his hands.

"Im glad you suggested this Mari." He answered. I smiled in response.

"See I told you, going to dinner with your father isnt a bad idea!"

Adrien threw back his head and laughed, before getting out of his chair, and joining me on the sofa.

He lay down lengthwise on the sofa, before resting his head in my lap. I played with his hair absent-mindedly, as he continued to talk.

"Ive forgotten what made me love him before Mum left."

I smiled. Good, we were getting somewhere.

"Ive forgotton how he has a sense of humour, how much he loved our small family, how much he loves mangoes."

I laughed at the last one, earning a cheeky grin from Adrien.

"He told me the story about how he dedicated a whole fashion line to them, and I could tell Chloe was outraged!" We both laughed.

I remembered that day, in year 8. Gabriel Agrestes new fashion line had come out, and I was in love with it.
The bright colours, the quirky mango patterns, the swimsuits, but Chloe was horrified, and spent a whole week rambling at how much she was disgusted by it for a whole week.

But I remember the big scandal after Mrs. Agreste disappeared, and his line changed completely. It was changed from bold, bright patterns, to chic, monochrome clothes, with only the hint of colour.

Adrien seemed to be thinking about the same thing, as his expression was that of deep thinking. 

"I asked him to do another line like that."

I smiled. We were getting somewhere.

"So you guys are... Bonding?" I questioned, my head tilting to the side, like a puppy.

Adrien sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know. I feel like Im just at a business meeting when Im with him. But we arent fighting if thats what you mean."

"Just keep meeting him for lunches and stuff. Thats what I do with my Dad, we always go out for Daddy- Daughter night. We watch a movie, ect." I suggested, encouraging him.

His face lit up.

"I have an idea!"

A/N Hi guys! Sorry for the boring and short chapter, its just a filler chapter at the moment. Im trying to work on making my chapters longer, but this one, I have nothing to add. If you have any tips on how to make chapters longer, please tell me, I need all the help I can get! Please vote!

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