~Chapter 5~

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A/N Im still in high school, so I don't really understand how college works, plus im not American, we have universitys and I don't know how they work either, so im just gonna.... make it up. sorry!

My alarm clock rang, and I groggily sat up in bed, picking up my phone to silence the alarm, and dragged myself to the kitchen, with my duvet trailing behind. I made myself a bowl of cornflakes, and ate, milk sometimes dribbling on to my duvet. I did not have a good nights sleep.

I dreamt of him.

I got dressed quickly when I realized the time, and grabbed my bag and books for my first class.

I rushed to class, hastily looking at the map of the college, as I stumbled my way around the humongous building. As I jogged past a clock, I stopped, and went back to see the time.


Darn, 10 minutes late.

I was sure that my class was just around the corner, when I bumped into a solid chest.

I slowly looked up, solid built, nice muscles you could see through the thin shirt, chiseled jaw, perect skin, gorgeous emerald green eyes...

I knew who it was, I didn't want to look up, butterflies collecting min my stomach...

Green eyes....

Brown hair? 

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