~Chapter 3~

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Later that evening...

I sat on my bed, the only thing that was neat in my whole dorm. Boxes littered the room, making the small room  even more claustrophobic. Not even the bathroom was clean, as everything was rust covered.

The bed was comfy, but squeaked as I flopped onto it, with my phone in hand. The phone began ringing just on time, and Alya's face popped up on the screen. I smiled weakly. She didn't buy it. "Mari what is wrong?" My smile dropped into a frown, and tears began to form in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, why was I crying over this? Why was I so sensitive? I should be happy to see him!

I told Alya what happened, and how I was feeling, and by the end of it, I was in tears.

"What should I do?" I sobbed.

"Ignore him! Don't talk to him! If he talks to you, just give him a bit of sass."

I glared at Alya. "That sounds like something you would do, not me."

I heard a scuffle of papers , and a shout. "Alya where is my phone!"

It was a familiar voice, but slightly deeper than I had last heard, and soon the voices owner popped onto the screen.

"Alya, dude! Where is it- Mari!" It was Nino.

"Nino!" I exclaimed. He answered with his cheeky smile, and a "Long time no see!" His hair was slightly longer, and stuck out from underneath his signature cap. I swear he wears the same hat every single hour of the day. His shoulders were broader, and he was slightly less skinny, and more muscly, but not Adrien muscly. The thought of Adrien made my face fall, and I began to tear up again.

"Hey, Mari girl, whats wrong?" Alya turned to Nino, and gave him a "don't ask or ill kill you" look. I wiped my tears away, and plastered a big fake smile on my face.

"So enough about me, whats with you guys?" Nino was about to keep asking me what was wrong, but Alya elbowed him, then looked at him nervously.

"well....."   She held up her left hand, and on her ring finger was a diamond engagement ring. I jumped up and down on my bed, squealing.

"Your engaged to Nino!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I looked back at my phone, and saw Nino and Alya embracing, and Nino placed a kiss on Alya's  cheek.

I heard a knock on my dorm room door. It couldn't be my room mate, because I paid extra to make sure I was alone.

I apologized to nino and alya, and ended our facetime.

I opened the door, to see who it was, wondering who the hell it could possibly be.

It was Adrien.

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