~Chapter 28~

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Sitting on Adriens bed, in each other's arms, sobbing and comforting was what we were doing.

We didnt move for a while. We sat in the same position for what seemed like hours but when we finally decided to move, it had only been 5 minutes.

We held hands, tranaforming in front of each other and leaving through the window that was our prison door.

I followed Chat through the busy streets of paris, as people looked up in awe, pointing us out to others and cheering and yelling.

"Go ladybug and char noir!"

We just politely smiled and waved, and continued on our way.

The busy city turned to civilised towns, which turned to single houses dotted gere and there.

The further we got from Paris, the bigger the houses got.

Soon we got to where we needed to go.
An abandoned mansion with overgrown lucious grass fields spreading as far as the eye could see, the rolling hills that bordered the mansion kept us from seeing any other mansions.

The mansion itself was a far cry from the modern chic villa that was Adriens former home.

It was old fashioned, with marble pillars, marble staircases, marble balconies.

It was covered on a thick layer of vines that acted as a green curtain, protecting the insides from the prying eyes of the outside world.

It was georgeous.
Inside was a dark, gloomy, wonderland of marble pillars, staircases that was covered in a thick blanket of cobwebs.
I imagined what the house would look like in its glory days, and my imagination reminded me of something out of a Jane Austen book.
I imagined a young Adrien dashing around the hall giggling while a young woman chased after him, giggling almost as loudly, while Adriens father stood in the hallway, one arm crossed over his torso, the other on his chin. He, for once, was smiling proydly as he watched Adrien and who i assumed was Mrs. Agreste before they looked at each other lovingly.

I scoffed as my dream dissapeared into thin air.
Lovingly my foot.

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