~Chapter 32~

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I sat on the window seat, watching the rain dribble down the window pain like little crystals. The limo pulled up in front crumbling steps, and the door swung open to reveal the  man himself. 

Gabriel Agreste, stepped out into the rain, but was covered by bleak, black umbrella, when he clicked his fingers.

I don't know why he was visiting us, he detested me, he usually kept his distance.

He made his way up the stairs, and rung the doorbell. I stayed where I was, watching from a distance, as he continued to ring the doorbell. Adrien soon answered it.

I flopped back onto my bed, I couldn't deal with Gabriel today.

Plus the covers were warm and inviting, and I soon snuggled into them and drifted off to sleep.
My slumber was rudely awakened by a knocking noise coming from my door.

"Mari?" The concered voice of Adrien drifted through the solid wooden door.
"What?" I groggily replied, yawning mid word, and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"My father wants to speak to you."

That woke me up, and I sat fully up in bed, and threw the bed covers on the floor.
"Tell him ill be there in a minute" I yelled, as I raced around tge room, pulling on clothing, and strangling my hair into piggy tales.
I splashed my face with water, and opened the door, to see Adrien waiting.

I took his hand and we walked down the stairs, together.

He leaned towards me, his breath tickiling my neck as he whispered in my ear.
"Why didnt you let me in?"
I rolled my eyes, and kept my voice low.

"I was getting dressed!"

He smirked.
"I wouldnt have minded that" he replied, whispering in my ear.
I slapped him playfully on the chest, with my free hand letting out a high pitched but quiet,

He chuckled as we continued to make our way down the huge marble staircase, and I lowered my gaze, as my face blushed into a rosy pink.

As soon as we entered the sitting room, we were fixed with a steely gaze from Gabriel himself. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he only moved his arms to smooth down his signature crisp white suit, even though it didn't have any wrinkles in it at all.

He beckoned for me to come closer, and nodded his head at Adrien, who took it as a sign to leave. We sat down on the couches, and I wrung my hands nervously, breathing deeply to stop myself from hyperventilating.

I braced myself for a tongue lashing, but was surprised when a sob escaped Gabriel's throat, and the three words I thought I would never hear from Gabriel Agreste.

"Please Help me."


Hi guys! Im sorry for the REEEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY slow updating, and REAAAALLLLYYYY short chapters. Ive been really busy, and have been camping, without internet!!! (the horror!!!)

Please be patient, and positive feedback is welcome!!

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