~Chapter 21~

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Adriens POV

My palms became sweaty, and I let go of Marinette's hand and wiped mine on my suit jacket. His steely blue eyes locked with mine and he glared before shifting to gaze at Marinette. He glared at her too.

I remember when his eyes were full of life. They were a more sea blue, and they sparkled whenever they saw me or my mother.

Than she disappeared.

Now, instead of a warm oceanic blue, they were a cold, icy blue, as icy as his heart. He never told me what happened to my mum, I think he knew as much as me. A stab of guilt pained me, he was my father, I shouldn't hate him, I should run up to him and hug him, just as Mari did, but instead I stayed where I was, glaring, as he and Natalie walked over. Walking was an understatement, They sashayed over like catwalk models, especially Natalie. I assumed she was a former model.

"Good evening Adrien" Natalie said. A small smile made her usually cold eyes crinkle into a warm and smiling gaze. She never usually smiled at me, but when she did, it was a nice genuine smile, not a fake model smile. I guess she felt sorry for me. I smiled back at her muttering a "Hello Natalie" before turning my gaze to my father. I scowled at him.

"Good to see you too Adrien." I could sense a hint of laughter in his voice, he was mocking me. "What are you doing here." I whispered, glaring. He smiled, but a mocking smile, that mad emy body go cold with anger.

"Well it said Parents invited on the invitation" My hands curled into a fist.

"I never invited you."

"Well someone did, since I got one in the mail. Now would you introduce me to your friend." I put on my fake model smile, as Mari walked over. While I was bickering with my father, I never noticed that she had left. She gave me a glass of punch, and started drinking hers as I introduced her.

"You've met her before, its Marinette, my friend from high school." I grabbed her hand protectively, and I knew her face was going red, even though I wasn't looking at her. My fathers eyebrows went up in shock, and he whispered something to Natalie before dragging me away from the crowd.

I looked back at Marinette, who was already engaged in a conversation with Natalie, and they looked to be pretty comfortable, as they laughed together, but my father glared at Mari, before looking back at me.

"Marinette. Is this the same Marinette you got pregnant?" He asked, crossing his arms, raising his eyebrows.

"You knew too? How come I was the only one who wasn't told?!?!?!?!" I whisper shouted, my eyebrows furrowing and I scowled.

"Your moving back to Paris. Tomorrow. Going to a different college, away from that girl." He said 'that girl' with a sneer in his voice. My heart began to beat faster, and I began to panick.

"You cant take me away from here! I have friends, and Chloe's here, and Marinette's here, and-" My Father cut me off, his voice raising slightly.

"That's exactly the point! That girl is here! What if she gets pregnant again!"

I tried to but in "But sh-"

"What if the press see you two together, and find out that you got her pregnant AT SIXTEEN! It would be a public scandal, you, the innocent little angel model, with a baby face, got a girl pregnant that he didn't even love!"

"But I do lo-" I was interrupted once again.

"No! Go upstairs and pack your things now. We are leaving straight away."

I felt helpless. I couldn't do anything. Marinette would think I betrayed her again, and I would never get a third chance. I sighed as I heaved up the stairs to the dorms, and packed my things.

On my desk, I saw a notepad and pen, and an idea popped into my head. I began to write.

Dear Marinette...

**Not Adriens POV***

I saw him rush to the girls bedroom, and put a note on her bed. Gabriel signaled for me to go, as soon as he left the room. I took it. I took the note.

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