~Chapter 14~

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The closet was dark, and I couldn't see anything. I yelped as my ankle brushed against something wet, and I tripped.

The light turned on, and I found out the wet thing was a mop, and the arms that pulled me in to the closet, belonged to Adrien. He crossed his arms, and frowned, as I got up. I glared at him.

"Why are you stalking me." He said, his face looked intimidating, but his eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Pffft in your dreams Adrien, like I would ever stalk you."
I scoffed. My confidence had strained a little, and my cheeks felt warm and flushed.

"Then why have you been following me around all day."
The colour drained from my face.

"Aha! You have been stalking me!" He whisper shouted in triumph. I rolled my eyes.
"Like i said before, in your dreams."

At the moment my phone chimed, and the screen lit up. It was a text from Anthony.

'My flight has been delayed. Wont be home till tonight'

Good. Or bad. I dont know.
It was good because I wouldnt be caught investigating Adrien.
It was bad because I missed Anthony like hell.

The bell rang a second time and I headed towards the door, without looking back at Adrien.
I pulled down the handle to reveal Anthony holding a girls hand.

So much for 'wont be home till tonight.'

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