~Chapter 19~

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The brochure read.

I stuffed it into my satchel and slammed my locker door shut, only to run into the angelic emerald eyes of Adrien Agreste. He had a goofy grin on his face, and the brochure in his hand. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him, as his goofy grin fell and he rushed after me.

"Mari, please listen to me, I know that we fought before, but please listen to me." I spun around, hands planted on my hips. "What." I snapped.

His face softened, and he smiled sheepily. "I wanted to know whether you wanted to go to the dance with me or not?" I had to admit, his offer was very tempting, but I didn't want to get hurt again. I lifted up my chin proudly.

"No." I gave my answer and walked off.

Adrien stood shocked before he realized what was happening, and dashed after me. He grabbed my arm, pulling me back into that dreaded closet. It was so small, we were close. Too close for comfort.

I leant back until I felt a solid wall behind me, but it was still to close. Our feet were only a few centimeters away, our noses almost touching, we were so close I could feel his hot breath on my face. He made me feel like I could melt.

"Please listen Mari, please just give me another chance." He pleaded. I gave in.

"Fine." Adriens face lit up. 


I sat on my bed, waiting as the ring tone from my laptop rung in my ears. Alyas face popped up on the screen, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey girl, whats up??" She exclaimed, her face fuzzy on the screen.

"Nothing much, just normal school life."

Alya rolled her eyes. "Well I heard a certain valentines day dance was coming up..." she giggled.

"Um.... how did you know that...???" I asked, a puzzled look on my face. She really was creepy.

"Hmm, I have my ways, are you going with Anthony?" She asked. When she mentioned Anthony's name, I noticed that her face didn't light up like it used to when she mentioned something about me and Adrien.

I sighed. "No, actually, Im going with Adrien." Her face lit up, and she clapped her hands and giggle with joy.

"Oh, thank god, I never really liked that Anthony kid. Tell me what happened."


Hi guys!

Im sorry for the boring chapter, this was just a filler chapter, leading up to something....

I'll try to update on Friday, but the chapter might not be out by then.  

Please vote, comment, and follow (oh gosh I soun like a youtuber :p)


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