~Chapter 12~

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I unhooked my yoyo from the chimney, as I landed on the rooftop, my feet making a soft padding noise.
I sat down on the rooftop, wrapping my arms around my knees, drawing them up to my chest, and watched the sun set.

I quickly rurned around, startled when i heard the thump of feet behind me.


His face was red with embarrasment and he played with his hands as if he was nervous.
I wanted to run up and hug him, to tell him how much i missed him, but i couldnt. One part of my heart stilk jad this black hole of hatred and anger. I pouted and turned away.

"Look ladybug im sorry! I-i-"

"No you fucking arent. You left me. I was in need of someone to help me. He left me too! Basically the only persone who was there for me was Alya!"

"Look i really am sorry I-"

"Stop making excuses-"

"If you would shut up and listen to me you hear why!"
He yelled.

He sighed and began.
"I.... i impregnated a girl. So i guess i cant really get angry at you, but you see i was drunk and it was never meant to happen. I never knew that she was pregnant, but my father found 
Out and moved us here. I only found out this year."

My stomach knotted up. His story was like adriens story! Chats eyes were green and his hair was the same golden brown as Adriens. But he couldnt be could he? It just didnt make sense!! But it did...

I was going to have to do some investigating.

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