~Chapter 30~

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This chapter is dedicated to avansni13 one of my best friends! It would mean so much to me and her if you go check our her profile and books, and follow her! I really enjoy her stories, and I think you would too!!!

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, as I sat up , moaning tiredly. I felt extremely tired and exhausted from my meltdown the night before. I could have lain back down and fallen back asleep but decided to get up. I checked my phone, and read the the time; 1:00 pm. Yep, it was definitely time to get up.

I wrapped the duvet around my and groggily plopped down the stairs, the duvet trailing behind me, gathering all the dirt from the floor. As I got to the kitchen, I smelt the smell of frying bacon and eggs, and the sound of sizzling. I walked through the doorway to see Adrien in an apron and cooking, one hand flipping the bacon, and the other holding a phone. I could see he was aggrivated by whoever he was talking to, as he was gritting his teeth.

He placed the plate od bacon and eggs on the table in front of me just as I sat down, and I gratefully stuffed my face, and didnt stop till I was done, and saw Adrien staring down on me with a goofy grin on his face.

Something made his grin dissapear and he moved to the lounge room to continue talking.
"What Father? Sorry I got distracted..."

I knew I couldnt be bothered to eavesdrop so I just went upstairs to get ready.

Plopping on just a tshirt and jeans, i tied my hair into a low pony tail and slipped on some flip flops.

I headed downstairs to hear Adrien shout

"What?!?!?" He tgen lowered his voice to a half whisper, half talk.

"You cant come tonight!"
I moved away, and sat down on the couch with my laptop. U watched youtube videos and netflix until Adrien came panicking into the loungeroom whisper shouting.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning the house.
Well the public areas anyway.

We mopped, broomed, cleaned the windows, vacumed ect. Until the place was spick and span.

We set the table in the huge dining room with the table as long as a bus, setting it eith a table cloth and fancy silverware.

Adrien made dinner, entree , main, dessert. Everything was ready. Almost.

He got ready in suit pants, a button up and loafers, while I put on a white blouse, black A line skirt and red ballet flats.

I put my hair into my trade mark piggy tails and then we waited.
Soon enough the doorbell rang and I stayed in the living room while adrien fetched the door.
I nervously played with my fingers as I heard Mr. Agreste's voice as he voiced his opinion on our cleaning efforts.

"Adrien, you really should hire some staff, you are terrible at cleaning."

I rolled my eyes.

The small company strolled into the room,and I noticed Natalie, following Mr. Agreste  like a leech. I stood up as his gaze fell on me, his eyes expressionless.

"Hello... Marinette"
He strained my name, and scowled. I decided to be the bigger person and smiled back, sticking out my hand for him to shake.

"Pleasure to see you too, Mr. Agreste." I said as bright and cheery as I could.

He ignored my hand as we moved to the dining room, and sat down.

Adrien dissapeared to the kitchen, and came back holding entree. Gabriel scowled even more.

"Dont you have servants for this?" He hissed, turning his nose up at the food.

"No Father, because I decided to be a normal human being the day I decided to go to a normal school and get away from you." Gabriel went silent as Adrien turned to Natalie, and placed her plate down in front of her as they smiled at each other and she gratefully thanked him.
The clanking noise of plates and cutlery were the only noises in the dining room.
The dinner so far had been awkward, no one saying anything and me getting cold stares from Mr Agreste every now and then.

I stood up, collecting the plates and taking them to the kitchen, and came out with the trolly of dessert.

Gabriel smirked as I placed his bowl in front of him.

"This is where you belong, Marinette, serving us rich people. Look, youre even wearing a waitress costume." He whispered, every word he said like knives and poison. I ignored him, and kept serving,  but was stopped when I got to Adrien.

He grabbed my arm and smiled sypathetically.
"Everything all right?"

"Everythings just perfect." I smiled a fake amile through gritted teeth, a little more sarcasm in my voice than I woudve liked.

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