~Chapter 34~

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The next day...


He spun around, his eyes brightening as he saw me, his floppy blonde hair, more golden as the sun hit it.

He smiled, and opened his arms to hug me, and I gladly accepted the warm embrace, and snuggled into him as his arms tightened around me. His frowned a little as I pulled away, I did not want too, but I had business.

"I need to talk to you." He tilted his head to the side, as if to question me, and I giggled, he looked like a little puppy.

I grabbed his hand pulling him to the lounge room, and we flopped onto the huge, overstuffed couches. I sighed, hoping he would accept my proposition.

"We need to accept your father."

His face twisted in disgust. "Even after everything he's done to us? Are you mad?" His voice was stern, but quiet, and I lifted my head high. I was going to get my way with this.

"I understand his motives now. That's what he wanted to talk to me about yesterday. He's lost his family- "

"That's his own god damn fault." Adrien mumbled. I glared at him, which shut him up, and I continued.

"First your mum disappears, you know how that felt when she disappeared,and now you, his son are ignoring him." I notice the volume of my voice begin to rise, so I quietened down to a whisper.

"He has made mistakes, we all have, but he's learnt from his mistakes, and wants to make it up to all the people he's hurt." I explained, my voice almost begging him.

Adrien began to mumble again, and he still looked unconvinced.

"He could apologize to mum for starters." I rolled my eyes. How dumb was he? I felt as if I was trying to convince a child to eat their vegetables, and they kept dodging the spoon.

"Well he cant apologize to your mother can he? Because she's  gone. He cant find her, and the only person he can apologize too, is you! Shes gone! Don't you get that?" I began to shout, my face was warm and red, and my hands clenched into fists. 

He lifted his gaze from his hands, and his face was slightly shocked at my sudden outburst. I burst into tears.

'I just want to bring this family together! I just want Hope to be able to visit her grandfather, and be able to spend Christmas with a family that's not divided!'

Adrien didn't move from his spot to comfort me, instead he just sat there with  an inquisitive gaze, and his arms folded. His eyes held no emotion, no empathy, just nothing.

This was one of the rare moments that Adrien Agreste was uncaring. He did not care about his father, and I could see why, but it seemed he did not care about Hope.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, and glared at him. 

"So you wont even do this for Hope? I see you don't really care about her!" I was yelling so loud, I was almost screaming.

Adrien stayed there emotionless. I stood from my chair, and moved towards him threateningly. I lifted my hand, and slapped across his left cheek, leaving a red, stinging mark. I swiftly moved out of the room, and up the flight of stairs to my bedroom.

I locked the door behind me, and and flopped on the bed, tears flowing down my cheeks.


My room was filled with a soft orange glow, as the sun began to set. The sky was a brilliant blend of scarlet, orange, and yellow on the canvas that was the sky. I was in a happy mood, until a silence greeted me.

No Adrien greeting me with a "good evening princess!"
No sizzling of dinner on the stove.
No whistling as Adrien did the chores.


Tears threatened to run down my face as I thought the worst.
He cant have left me? He cant have just left, because of one little arguement?

I wrapped a slik kimono around my body, and slipped on some slippers, heading downstairs.

The lights were still off downstairs, and the rooms were filled with the natural glowy light of the sun, but soon that would dissapear, and I would be left in darkness.

I rushed to turn on lights before i was left in complete darkness.

I moved towards the fridge, and grabbed a few ingredients and mixed them together, before chucking them in the fry pan.

I mixed them around, and tried to avoid the flying oil as it sizzled in the pan.

I was distracted by a melodious laugh outside in the backyard.

I was lured towards it, like a sailor to a siren.

There in the backyard, stood Adrien, Hope in arms, screaming as Adriens hands attacked her with tickles.

She shreaked and laughed, her face going red in the process.

Adrien looked so happy with her, his face beaming, proud to be her father, yet she didnt know it.

They both stopped when they noticed me leaning against the door frame, arms wrapped around my torso, a small smile on my face.

Adrien grinned sheepishly back, and hope smiled, and ran up to me, with arms wide open, and wrapping them around my legs in a tight embrace. I almost tripped over, with that grip.

I picked her up, prying her from my legs, and wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"Hope! You need to stop running away!"
Aunt Cordy stood at the little gate to our backyard, hands on her hips, smiling sarcastically.

Hopes gaze fell.
"Sowwy mummy."

I put her down, and she ran off, waving as she and Aunt Cordy left, leaving me in an awkward silence.


"Adrien Im so sorry! I shouldnt have forced you to do something you didnt want and-"

He silenced me with a heart stopping kiss. I melted into his arms, responding in our passionate moment.

I sighed when he pulled away. This was happening way too often. Not that I mind that, but Adrien cutting off my sentences with kisses was starting to get cliché.

"I think Ive changed my mind." He whispered, as he smoothed my hair down.

I smiled, and wrapped my arms tighter around him, not wanting to let go.

But my smile fell, as I smelt the smell of burnt food.
I pulled away, grabbing Adriens hand, and leading him towards the kitchen in a little jog.

"The oven!"

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