Thirteen - We're In London Baby!

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"London, Baby!" Brian called out, as the pair of you stepped off of the plane, and made your way through the terminal. Brian clasped your hand in his, as you walked towards baggage claim. The two of you waited patiently, before you noticed your suitcases slide down the chute and land on the conveyor belt. Brian picked yours from the belt first, the weight of it taking him by surprise. He pulled it onto the ground, panting for breath, as he leant against it to compose himself. "How much did you pack?!"

"Just enough for the week, Bri!" You giggled, as he rolled his eyes. It was then that he noticed his suitcase racing out of view. He sprinted to grab it, before his case became lost behind the wall. He managed to get it off of the belt in time, as he wheeled it back over to where you were stood. He wrapped his arms around you, placing a soft kiss to your cheek, before he took both suitcases and started on his way to border control. "Brian, I can handle my own suitcase you goof."

"Nonsense, [Y/N]. Let me be a gentleman whilst we're in London at least." He joked. You smiled at him, placing a quick kiss to his lips, as you joined the back of the queue for security.

The line looked long, but in practically no time at all, you were at the front. Brian headed up first, showing the security guard his passport, with you soon following behind. Once you were through, you came out of the exit to Gatwick Airport, being met by the typical British weather. It was a soft rain, with grey clouds smothering the skies. Brian got you both a taxi, as you waited under the shelter to remain dry. He loaded the cases into the trunk, calling you over, as you both clambered into the back seat. It was a short distance to your hotel, as Brian had made sure that your hotel was right in the centre of it all. The furthest attraction from where you were staying was just a simple half an hour commute on the tube.

"Thanks." Brian smiled to the driver, as you both exited the vehicle. You took the suitcases out of the trunk, and made your way into the hotel. As soon as you stepped through the door, you were met with a heated room. Seeing as it was late November, it was pretty cold in London. You both walked up to the reception desk, as Brian dinged the bell. A man walked out of the door behind the desk, greeting you both with a warm smile.

"Hello there, have you made a reservation, or are you planning on making a booking?" He asked. Brian folded his arms, as he leant onto the counter.

"We have a reservation under the name Quinn." The man tapped into the computer, before turning to pull a key card down from the assigned room key holder. He handed you two key cards, along with a receipt.

"You'll be staying in Room 314. We here at Sunnyside Hotel do hope that you enjoy your stay with us. If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to call room service." The man pointed to the correct staircase to take, as you thanked him politely, and started on your way to your room.

You wheeled your suitcases down the corridor, as Brian walked up ahead in search of the room. He came to a stop, checking the key card another time, before walking up to one of the doors. He slipped the card into the reader, making a green light flash. Brian pushed the door open, as he stepped in, holding the door open for you. You walked into the room, instantly gasping at how fancy the room was. You dropped your things, as you looked around.

"Brian, it's beautiful...this is too much, you've spent way too much!" You gasped. Brian shook his head, as he chuckled.

"Nothing's too much for my girl." He smiled, making you blush timidly. He strolled up to you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace, as he kissed the top of your head. You looked up at him, before pressing your lips against his. He began to kiss back, before pulling away. "Let's save that for the bed tonight." He winked.

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