Epilogue: 10 Months Later

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Winston was now a happy and adorable ten month old. He was everything that you and Brian had wished for in a son. He wasn't fussy, he wasn't tearful; he was happy, healthy, and had the most adorable laugh. Winston was the splitting image of his father, he had marble-like brown eyes, and his hair was jet black, the only difference being the tight curls amongst his hair. Brian had really taken a shine to fatherhood, considering his immediate reaction to your pregnancy announcement. He would insist that he would get up at night if Winston were to cry, seeing as you dealt with him all day, whilst Brian worked. You would always hear Brian over the baby monitor.

"C'mon, Little Man. What's up buddy? You just wanted cuddles, is that it?" Brian would typically say. Sometimes you'd even get a small enjoyment out of hearing the disgust of Brian's words, when the situation turned to operation brown. "Ah crap, I guess you had a present for me, didn't you Winst? Huh? Yes, yes you did." Brian would chuckle. The next few minutes would usually consist of Brian groaning out in disgust through the baby monitor, causing you to laugh, as you remained in bed. The monitor would fall silent, you just knew that Brian was rocking Winston back to sleep.

Although, one night, Brian never returned to your bed. You woke up the next morning, Brian's dent in the pillow still remained there, but he was nowhere to be seen. You wrapped up in a robe to keep warm, as you made your way out of bed and down the hall to Winston's room, not fully prepared for the sight you'd walk in on. Brian was curled up in a ball inside the crib, with Winston passed out next to him in his arms. You let out a giggle, as you stepped towards the cot, leaning over the edge and looking down lovingly at the two boys in your life. Winston started to shuffle in his sleep, as his eyes opened. You smiled down at him, as he rolled over, immediately whacking his hands against Brian's face. Winston sat up by himself, as his fingers pulled at Brian's hair. Brian's eyes remained shut, as his husky voice filled the room.

"Winston, son...it's too early. Go back to sleep." He muttered, as Winston continued to pull at whatever he could get his little hands on. Winston soon slapped his hand against Brian's eye, which was the ultimate way to wake him up. Brian sat up, rubbing at his eye, as he let out a deep yawn. "Okay, okay, okay...I'm up." He chuckled, his eyes soon looking up to meet yours. "Oh hey, Babe. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept great, but I can see that you had an eventful night." You giggled, gesturing towards Winston, who was now clinging onto the rails, pulling himself up onto his feet, as he whined for you to hold him. You curled your hands under his arms, pulling him out of the crib, and placing him onto your hip.

"You can say that again. Don't know how this kid sleeps in this thing." Brian commented, as he hopped over the crib rail, and stretched his arms out.

"That's because he can actually fit in it, Bri..."

"True." Brian laughed. He pointed at Winston, who was snuggled into your chest. "You okay to watch him while I go and shower? Pretty sure he spat up in the night." Brian cringed, running his hand through his hair. You nodded your head, stifling a giggle, as Brian walked out of the room, not without giving both you and Winston a kiss to the cheek.


A short while later, you were busy feeding Winston in his highchair, as Brian sauntered downstairs from his shower. He stepped behind you, placing a kiss to the back of your head, before ruffling his hand through his son's curls of hair. Brian soon joined you at the table, after having grabbed a bowl of his own breakfast. He took a spoonful of cereal, his brown eyes looking at you lovingly. A smile was pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"What is it, Babe?" You blushed, as Brian finally let his laugh slip. He shook his head, as he scooped up another spoonful of cereal.

"Nothing, just admiring my little family." He smiled. "And I'm kind of missing your booty." He muttered under his breath, as he winked at you. You shook your head, as you smiled hard. Brian was always a one to tease you. Sure, it had been a while since the two of you had been close to one another, but with Winston in the middle, he was always your number one priority.

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