Four - Brian Quinn's Property

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Three dates later and you and Brian were drawing ever closer. Your second date had been a trip to the movies, going to see the latest instalment of Spiderman. He insisted on paying for your ticket, which you were annoyed about, but somehow you had managed to win the argument on paying for the food and drinks. Throughout the movie, you could feel Brian shuffling in his seat, and before you knew it, he had pulled the cliché move of yawning and wrapping his arm around your shoulder, to which you blushed at. As he bid you goodbye outside of your apartment, he placed a soft kiss to your lips, before stepping back to his Jeep. On your third date together, he took you on a picnic to Central Park at dusk. He was dressed in a dark grey pair of jeans, with his winter coat to keep him warm. Around his neck hung his American flag scarf, and a plain black beanie sat atop of his head. He held your hand tightly, walking you along the path, before finding a spot out in the open. He plopped the picnic basket onto the grass, before laying a tartan blanket down for you to sit on. The park was eerily quiet, allowing the pair of you to talk without any interruptions. At one point, you caught Brian staring lovingly at you, his cheeks heating up as he got caught. Once again, he walked you to your apartment block, kissing your lips gently, before leaving. Your fourth date was something out of the ordinary for Brian, you had suggested to go ice skating, to which he obliged. Little did you know that he lacked experience in the sport. His hand clung onto yours tightly, as he slipped and stumbled on the ice. One time he brought you down with him, making you slam down on top of him. You were both laughing, as he apologised profusely. You somehow dragged him over to the edge of the rink, letting him use the wall for support, as you wrapped your arms around his torso. Brian rested his chin on the top of your head, hugging you tightly. That evening, he dropped you off back home, there was an awkward silence, as you both sat in the car. You were beginning to wonder whether this would ever become official, Brian had been nothing but loving towards you, and yet, there were no signs of him taking things to the next step.

"Movie night round mine tomorrow?" He asked, the slight crack in his voice gave away that he was nervous; for what reason though, you did not know. You smiled and nodded, placing a kiss to his cheek, before exiting his car and making your way into the apartment block.

The next evening, you made your way round to his house, walking up to his front door and knocking confidently. As you waited for him to answer, you fumbled around with your hair and outfit, making sure that you looked presentable for him. The door swung open, revealing a half ready Brian. His hair was still damp, with his shirt only buttoned up two notches. His belt was undone, the buckle jingling, as he walked you through to the living room.

"Sorry Cutie, only just got back from work. How was your day?" He asked, placing a kiss to your forehead, as you sat on his sofa. He remained stood up, tucking in his shirt, buckling his belt and styling his hair, as he listened to your stories from the day.

"It was okay thanks, well, I had work, but knowing that I was getting to see you tonight got me through it. How about you?" You smiled, watching as Brian was finally ready and took a seat beside you. He placed his arm along the back of the sofa, shifting so that one knee was resting up on the sofa, as he looked at you. He shrugged his shoulders, a slight chuckle escaping his lips, before he went to answer you.

"Eh, it was punishment day for me, but I just thought of you the whole time." He smiled cutely, as you awed at him. He leant forward, placing a quick kiss to your lips, before standing up and strolling over to the pile of DVDs located near the TV. He squatted down, searching through the movie cases, his ass pointed in your direction. You couldn't help but stare at it, there was something just so enticing about him that made you not able to withdraw your eyes from him. Brian pulled out a film, turning back towards you, your eyes immediately moving to across the room. "What about Easy A?" He suggested.

"Sounds good to me." You replied, as he passed you the case. You proceeded to put the film on, as he went out into the kitchen, soon returning with a bowl of popcorn and some drinks. He placed the items on the small coffee table, before returning to his previous seat. The movie began to play, as you sneakily shifted closer to him. Brian must have noticed, as he casually wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his embrace. The two of you sat there, just enjoying the touch of one another, as you concentrated on the movie.

Halfway through the film, Brian started to shift in his seat. You looked up at him, a smile growing on both of your faces. He bent his head down, his soft lips soon connecting with yours. He kissed you for what seemed like forever, before he came back up for air. You nuzzled your head back into his chest, as his hand that clung around your shoulders, gently rubbed up and down your arm. He cleared his throat, gaining your attention, as he looked at you.

"Well, I mean, like, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked sheepishly, his words fitting in time with the character on the screen. You pulled away slightly, looking up at him with a grin upon your face. His eyes searched yours for an answer, as his face slowly formed into a smile.

"Did you plan that all along, asking me to be your girlfriend along with the film?" You giggled, as his cheeks became a rosy red colour. He nodded his head sheepishly, as you cupped his face with your hands, pulling him forwards to kiss him. His smile printed against your lips, his cuteness overwhelming you, causing you to erupt into a giggle. You pulled away, smiling at him.

"So, is that a yes?" He pleaded, his eyes widening, as he awaited for your response. Your hand ruffled through his hair, messing up his small tuft, as your fingers became tangled amongst the hairs.

"Yes, Brian. I will be your girlfriend." You responded. Brian lunged forward, locking his lips with yours, as he gently pushed you down along the sofa. His hands roamed at your sides, as his tongue requested entry. Your mouth opened ajar, allowing his tongue to slip in to meet yours. They battled for dominance, but it was clear that Brian was winning the fight. He curled you up into his arms, holding you tightly, his lips pulling away from yours, as he rested his head against your chest.

"Thank you, [Y/N], for being so amazingly wonderful and making me happy." He softly spoke. Your heart couldn't help but flutter at his words, as your hand ruffled through his hair once again. You placed a kiss to his forehead, trying to find the right words to say, but at that moment in time, not a word needn't be said. The two of you remained snuggled together, watching the film all of the way through to the end, until the credits rolled. Brian stood up from the sofa, making his way over to the TV, taking the DVD out and placing the disc back into its case. He strolled over to the coffee table, picking up the empty bowl and glasses. As he was bent over, you playfully kicked your foot against his ass, earning a flinch out of the man. He turned around to look at you, a small smile playing on his lips, with the sweet sound of his laugh trickling into your ears.

The rest of the evening was spent just talking, along with the mix of kisses and snuggles. It felt great to know that you and Brian were now official, meaning that your relationship could begin to grow and develop over time. There was something about being known as 'Brian's girlfriend' that made your body tingle. He was yours and you were his, and that's how it was meant to be. You were so glad that he smacked you with a door that day, he had been the greatest thing to ever happen to you, and you were forever grateful for his presence, alongside his loving and caring nature.

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